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Eastern Bend

The Eastern Bend is a small village in the Kingdom of Acarius , located on the main road between Acaron and Selthame . The village offers much by way of trade, being located between two major cities, and is also home to the only government-sanctioned gambling halls. As a result, Eastern Bend attracts a unique mix of Acarius' more undesirable people as well as those with heightened economic status'. As the saying goes, "Travel the east roads with not that which you need" - a warning for those who take the journey, as thievery and banditry run rampant through the region.


The demographics located within Eastern Bend are a rare mix - a constantly fluctuating class system (thanks to both thievery and gambling) provides inhabitants with multiple lifestyles throughout their life itself; one month a resident may find themselves penniless, living in the street, while the next they may find themselves waited on by an army of servants ready to go as far as dying at the simplest command.


The governmental body of Eastern Bend is made up of five businesses - the "Crown Jewels" of the town. Each of these businesses owns and operates either a casino, popular tavern, brothel, or some mixture of them all. The Jewels then decided which resident will represent Eastern Bend as an ambassador for Acarius' council.

Industry & Trade

Trade and industry are secondary in Eastern Bend, as it is a town designed almost entirely to take the money of those who pass through. As a result, the items available have been often compared to those found only in trades made with the Tajir Mutaji .
Founding Date
7a 618
Alternative Name(s)
Gambler's Recluse
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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