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Initially nothing more than a military checkpoint to defend Acaron from whatever may be to the north, Northbridge eventually grew to be a large free-market trade hub linking the kingdom's northern territories to her southern territories.


The Spillway

As Northbridge expanded and more area was needed for the central market, older townhouses were converted to lease-ready shop and stall area. This directly resulted in additional housing being constructed further down the bridge, "Spilling out" onto the bridge away from town Proper.

The Docks

As the name implies, the docks are the primary shipping stop-off for northbridge. Quite small in comparison to the town above (due to the lack of trade traffic by water as compared to caravans over land), the Docks are remnants of the scaffolds used to erect the large supporting pillars for the bridge itself.

Central Market

Northbridge's most popular location, the central market sees customers and merchants from all over the Kingdom stopping by to purchase supplies or hawk wares. Thanks to Northbridge's status as the only land connection between the northern and southern Kingdom, it's never in short supply of travelers looking to make or spend coin.

Farming Quarter

Though small, the farming quarter stands as a backup food supply for longer term tenants in Northbridge. The fertile lands are also cultivated by alchemists and apothecaries who have taken up residence here, allowing for them to grow their own herbs and plants to be used in their various concoctions.

Northbridge Proper

The initial build site of Northbridge, the Proper was initially a small military outpost. Built in a similar style to a small keep, the first structures were placed upon massive stone walls high above the ground, forcing any would-be aggressors to climb up to meet the defendants, who held an obvious high ground advantage. Since then, the proper has expanded eastward toward the sea and was the first place to house tenants who worked the busy markets.

Noteworthy Locations

Aldarina and Paprika, an apothecary that can trace it's origins to the initial expansion of Northbridge, have a grandfathered manor/shop that allows the Aldarina family to hold legal land rights in Northbridge, making them one of only a handful of groups to own the land they live in within the settlement.
The Bridgeview Inn was created after the popularity of the market was revealed, initially a manor gifted to the family of a fallen general during the Kingdom's expansion to the north, the Inn now serves as Northbridge's only stopping point for weary travelers and merchants along their various routes.


Any and all who believe themselves merchants probably got their start in Northbridge. As a result, even the most uncommon folk can be found living in the small town-homes of Northbridge, generally renting on short leases, and more often than not also leasing a market plot to peddle their wares.


Northbridge does not actually receive official recognition as a settlement within the kingdom, and as such forfeits any right to an independent government. Instead, it is governed entirely by Acaron.


Proximity to Acaron combined with the single-route design of Northbridge affords the settlement full-scale defense from the Kingdom's armies should the need arise. As such, those living in Northbridge consider their defensive strategy to be simply retreating to Acaron.


The primary feature of Northbridge's infrastructure is, as the name implies, a large bridge linking the kingdom's north to it's south. This large cobblestone-paved structure is wide enough for four carriages to cross side-by-side, and itself provides enough work for laborers and stoneworkers year-round to warrant almost an entire history of it's own.
Founding Date
7a 513
Trade post
Owning Organization
Districts and Locations
  1. The Spillway
  2. The Docks
  3. Central Market
  4. Farming Quarter
  5. Northbridge Proper
     a. Aldarina & Paprika (Apothecary)
     b. Bridgeview Inn

Articles under Northbridge


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