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The Orcish Invasion

General Summary

The First Skirmish

  The party, woken from their slumber by the screams of newfound friend and ally Jubilee, make their way to Old Town in Orivos - following soldiers to the city district. Entering via a lift atop the old quarter's walls, they are greeted by the sight of a large violet and blue tree in the distance as well as the sounds of combat ringing through the air. Granted a hastily drawn map depicting last known troop locations, they determine the best course of action to be seeking out the unknown combatants near the large tree. En route, the group encountered their first battle against the Orcish horde. Utilizing stealth to gain an advantage, the group entered a small neighborhood under cover of darkness, ambushing the Orcs present in the area. Malivore and Kiryk proved especially deadly, pushing multiple Orcs back (and even defeating some entirely) with very little intervention from the rest of the party, while Scaldris and Aura managed to breach and clear the largest building present. However, defeating the Orcs became much more of a formality after an Avatar of Vengeance manifested itself in the center of the borough. After successfully defeating this entity, the party was free to search the area, and retrieved a few useful items.

The Second Battle

  Moving closer to the unknown forces, the party finds themselves investigating an old church of Muradin, where inside they have located a number of Orcs as well as some large and unusual beasts1. Deciding that it would be best to assist the unusual beasts in their fight, the group again moved in using stealth to surprise the invading force, a strategy that proved very effective in decimating their foes. During their assault, the group meets an unlikely ally in the form of a friendly Orc named Droan, who assisted with the battle and moved on to aid the group going forward.


  Having defeated the Orcs in the chapel, it was revealed that the beasts were Jubilee's forces. Willing to aid the party and put an end to her assailants, Jubilee offered the party a place to rest and recuperate before transporting them to deal with the Orcs' commander. Having rested well and reflected on their progress thus far2 the party agreed to dispatch the Orcish commander.
Arriving at the old armories next to the mines, the group encountered a long-bearded Orc. The creature began transforming itself into a hellish abomination of magma and stone, growing well over fifteen feet tall and having control over the area around it. During the following battle, Droan hurried to defeat the foot soldiers while the rest of the group began their assault on the monstrosity before them. Midway through the battle, Charles, who had (in a baffling display of athleticism) managed to use the natural terrain to dive across a lake of magma and effectively duel the monster, was knocked unconscious - momentarily succumbing to his wounds - before being rescued by Scaldris who had taken to her broom, flying high above the battlefield. Eventually, with Aura's sharpshooting and careful casting, the group was able to defeat the Orcish commander; an event that would drive a wedge into the invading forces, allowing the Dwarves to route the armies and chase them back toward the deep mines. Having defeated the commander, the party was left to search the area for valuables and supplies.

Rewards Granted

Loot Found:  
  • 2x Ring of Spell Storing
  • 2x Amulet of Health
  • 1x Bag of Holding
  • 1x Bracers of Defense
  • 1x Eternal Edge
  • 1x Half-Plate Armor
  • 1x +2 Longsword

Missions/Quests Completed

The Orc Invasion of Orivos has been defeated, with their commander killed in battle and their forces routed back into the deep mines.


1Despite being described as "beasts", these creatures are actually summoned Fey.
2The party (Kiryk, Charles, Aura, and Scaldris) all achieved level 8.
Report Date
19 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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