
The god of change, Avandra delights in freedom, trade, travel, adventure, and the frontier. Her temples are few in civilized lands, but her wayside shrines appear throughout the world. Halflings, merchants, and all types of adventurers are drawn to her worship, and many people raise a glass in her honor, viewing her as the god of luck.   Avandra, together with Corellon, Melora and Sehanine, constitute the four deites known as the free gods. Their cooperation grew from their earlier relationships and the connection some of them had with the race of the halflings. The free gods objected to turning the Plane of Carceri into a prison, and worked to obtain a different solution.   Avandra is considered one of the three gods of destiny, together with Ioun, and The Raven Queen. but unlike the other two, Avandra has taken no exarch into her service in ages. She chooses to interact directly with her followers, and she guides her mortal servants to battle against her enemies—not out of any sort of personal cowardice, but because she believes in allowing mortals to solve their own problems.

Divine Domains

Avandra's Divine Domains are those of change, freedom and luck.

Tenets of Faith

Avandra's commandments are few:  
  • Luck favors the bold. Take your fate into your own hands, and Avandra smiles upon you.
  • Strike back against those who would rob you of your freedom and urge others to fight for their own liberty.
  • Change is inevitable, but it takes the work of the faithful to ensure that change is for the better.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity