
Tiamat is the goddess of greed and envy. Known as the Chromatic Dragon, she is the mother of the evil chromatic dragons. Her followers, both dragon and non-dragon, are encouraged to conquer as much land and hoard as much wealth as they can. Few dragons keep shrines to her in their lairs for fear she will demand part of their treasure hoard.   During The Dawn War, the Dragon god Io was sundered by Erek-Hus. Tiamat rose up from one of the fractured pieces of Io. The newly formed gods then turned around repelled Erek-Hus, before devouring him entirely. Tiamat became bitter rivals with her brother Bahamut. Throughout the rest of the Dawn War, she and Bahamut would regularly battle for supremacy over one another.   Tiamat did not take sides during the War of Winter as her dragons would warp the material plane whereever they settled.   After the Primal Mythal, Tiamat worked with several other gods to reclaim footing on the mortal plane. She turned on the members of the now Broken Communion, for she wanted to claim their power as her own. She struck a deal with Asmodeus, the details of which are mostly unknown. And after millennia, she now guards entry to Dis, the second layer of the Nine Hells.   In recent years the Church of Tiamat has risen up worshipping the Scaled Tyrant. Additionally there have been rumors the Cult of the Dragon now soley venerate Tiamat and wish to see her brought back to the material plane.

Divine Domains

Tiamat presides over the Domains of Greed, Wealth, and Vainity.

Tenets of Faith

Tiamat Instructs he followers:  
  • Work tirelessly toward the day when Tiamat will banish the gods from Anerth and unite the world under her rule.
  • To overthrow the gods requires power, and power is acquired through the accumulation of wealth and magic.
  • Rival deities of all creeds and from every pantheon are inherently tyrannical. They seek only power, at any cost, despite their honeyed words.
Divine Classification
Intermediate Deity

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