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Arablat (Ar-ah-bla-hut)

Widly known as Dwarves, the Arablat thrive in the mountains and underground, specializing in mining and metal work.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Arablat are divided into nine difference clans, with each clan consisting of tens of families. In addition, the Arablat social structure is not patriarchal in command or linage, but rather the more seemingly important parent is usually referenced.

Facial characteristics

Most male Arablt have facial hair, with most having long beards and mustaches. Members of both genders usually have long hair, and both genders regularly put the hair into braids and similar.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While most Arablat live in, or directly around, their primary mountain, a decent number live in the mountains to the south. Almost all of them live in or high up on the mountains, with only a very small number living lower above ground. There are also a small number of Arablat who live in the rest of Anglence, though they are few and far between, and generally still live high up on or in mountains.

Average Intelligence

Most of the Arablat are of above average intelligence, and many are more intelligent. Because of the social structure, most in a position of power are, or have been, scholars, thereby raising the average intelligence of the rulers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Arablat are split into nine clans, although in times of crises, they offten band together with other clans. Aside from the clans, the most important organizations in the Arablat culture are the guilds, such as their mining and jeweler's guilds.

Average Technological Level

In mechanical terms, the Arablat are the most advanced race in Anglence. Their machinery and equipment is sought after by everyone, even the Anden Kingdom who usually treats outsiders poorly. Arablat engineers are some of the most advanced, surpassing even most of the Veldmathi's engineers in design and construction. The Arablat engineers design and construct sophisticated mechanical equipment, some of which even require magic to create or run. Most their designs are centered around mining, transportation, and to a smaller extent defensive weapons.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Almost all Arablat speak Eofan, but each clan has their own dialect, and some have traditional language they still speak. Many Arablat, especial those that live in the southern mountains, also speak Common.


The Arablat were discovered by the Ancient Ones around 13000 BCE, as at the time, the Arablat almost never left the vicinity of their mountain. After the Ancient Ones encountered them, members of the Arablat blat began to explore and encountered humans around 11000 BCE. By this time, the primary city of the Arablat was almost complete, and they were starting to live in it. At the same time, some Arablat began to move further south along the mountains.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Historically, the Arablat where major trade partners of most other races and groups in Anglence. However, following the conquest of the Anden Kingdom, the reach and effectiveness of the trade has been dramatically reduced. Most of their trade now comes either from the elves by sea, or small orders by the Anden Kingdom who controls their southern boarder. While the Arablat have maintained their decent relationship with the Veldmathi, their relationship with the Humans has soured quickly after the conquest. While the Arablat have no particular distaste of the other races, their view of them comes primary from trade with them, and the economic effects of it.


Equivalent to Dwarfs, they are generally craftsmen, miners, and to a smaller extend scholars and historians. Some members of the race can use magic to a decent degree.
ability score increase: Constitution +2
age: Most Arablat do not venture from their communities until they reach 80, at witch point many go out exploring, and most Arablat over around 800 prefer the simplicty of a scholarly life
alignment: Arablat are a veried species, but because of their cultural upbrining, most side with order, if not lawfulness.
Size: Medium
speed: 25 (not recuded by heavy armor)
Languages: Read and write Eofan (chose dialect), and Common (with accent)
race features:
Darkvision. Accustomed to underground live, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it where bright, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can not discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Resilience. Because of your natural hardiness, you have advantage on saving throws against poison, and resistance against poison damage.
Combat Training. You have proficiency with battleaxe, hand-axe, light hammer, and war hammer.
Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan's tools of your choice: smith, brewer, or mason.
Stonecunning. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Engineer's sense. You have advantage on insight checks on how a mechanical object you can see works, and advantage on history checks if it is of Arablat origin.
Innate path finding. Whenever in a tunnel, or similar situation, you always know witch way you came from because of your years spend underground. You have proficiency in any check to determine a way to light or fresh air under the same conditions.
500 - 1 000 years
Average Height
1.1 - 1.4 m ( 3'-7" - 4'-7" )
Average Weight
45 - 70 kg ( 99 - 154 lb )
Average Physique
Almost all Arablt are physically fit, and most are stocky in build. Even individual who are not as fit are generally still stocky in build.


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