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Session 11: This Dragon Better Have Some Good Shit

General Summary

Resuming their perilous journey, the party delved once again into the depths of the forsaken ruby mines, emboldened by new allies, Valero and Jacque, and a renewed vigor. The adventurers navigated the intricate network of labyrinthine caves, where each passageway twisted and turned like a complex puzzle. Guided by Orion's unerring memory, the group retraced their steps to the spider-infested den, intent on retribution. Setting fire to the arachnid-ridden webs, they turned the once-menacing spider complex into a funeral pyre of smoldering ashes. Satisfied with their vengeance, the party pressed onward, unyielding in their determination. Through methodical exploration and unwavering vigilance, they eventually unveiled the sought-after entrance. A distant warmth beckoned, casting its gentle glow around a corner. As they approached, a vertical cavern yawned open before them, its depths cloaked in molten hues as lava churned beneath. A trio of rope bridges stretched across the chasm, offering a precarious passage downward. But, just as they ventured onto the first bridge, the very air seemed to quiver with an undercurrent of malevolence. Shadows unfurled like a sinister tapestry, and from the obscurity, a horde of goblins materialized in a calculated ambush. Surprise mingled with confusion as the goblin chieftain demanded their surrender, coercing them to relinquish not only their arms and belongings, but also one of their own to serve as a grotesque offering for the insatiable red dragon, Cindralisk. A chilling ultimatum, the alternative being a battle to the death.   Unflinching in the face of such dire propositions, the party unanimously refused the goblins' demand, paving the way for a fierce confrontation. The clash erupted in a whirlwind of blades, spells, and tactics as each side fought for dominance. Swiftly, the party discovered that the battle was no mere skirmish. The goblins' strategic prowess and their intimate knowledge of the terrain turned the encounter into a life-and-death struggle. The conflict tested the limits of their strength and cunning; wounds were inflicted, and the specter of death loomed close. Yet, through tenacity, teamwork, and clever strategy, the heroes managed to triumph against the odds, leaving the goblin ranks decimated.   Though victory was theirs, it was not without cost. The battle's toll had left the party battered and bloodied, some members hanging perilously close to the precipice of death. Regrouping amidst the aftermath, they realized one goblin had survived, and seemingly vanished into thin air. With the shadow of the red dragon still cast upon them, the party steeled themselves for the arduous journey ahead. Deeper into the heart of the dragon's lair they ventured, their resolve unwavering as they pursued their ultimate quarry, the malevolent red dragon that threatened both the island and their very existence.
Report Date
18 Jul 2023
Primary Location


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