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Session 2: The Tomb of Citheus

General Summary

After the party swiftly defeated the The Hill Tribe of the North, they decided to search the remains of the Tomb of Citheus. They found a small accumulation of gold. The party entered the main chamber and found a large tomb inside full of ash. Once they made some small investigations of the tomb itself, they decided to rest for the evening in the tomb to regain their strength. The following morning, the Dirk Stålhjerte and Derrik Stålhjerte investigated the tomb further to where they discovered it was actually a door that led deeper into the mountain. After some excitement about discovering this secret entrance, they journeyed inwards.   After walking down stairs which felt as if it took forever, the party finally reached the bottom. They came across three rooms, the first of which was a circular room with four large armor sets standing in the room. Once entered, they activated and attacked the party to which the party easily defeated them. The following was minimal and had nothing but a small imp chained to the ground. The imp asked the party a riddle which was to be answered in order to move on. Quickly and with absolute certainty, Grabble Grasp answered the riddle correctly, which shocked the imp. Out of spite and sadness, the imp asked if Grabble Grasp could please end its suffering being trapped in the room, to which Grabble Grasp quickly obliged for a favor to be returned at a later time by the imp. After solving the imp's riddle, the following room opened and inside was a slightly larger room with three pedestals. Fortunately, this puzzle was already solved and had a large steel beam pried beneath the door by an unknown party to avoid being closed. After some further exploring of the tomb a slight ringing could be heard from the distance, growing only louder as the party grew nearer. Once arriving at the penultimate chamber a fountain rested in the center. Orion Blackburn, being thirsty, took a drink, which was instantly regretted as his entire body was paralyzed for a short time.

Character(s) interacted with

  • The Hill Tribe of the North
Report Date
13 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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