Chordata Geographic Location in Animalia Galaxy | World Anvil


Chordata, a planet within the Animalia Galaxy, mirrors Earth in its planetary features, encompassing continents and oceans, albeit on a smaller scale. The planet is divided into three major continents: Aves, Mammalia, and @Reptilia. Aves is characterized by diverse avian life forms and ecosystems, Mammalia hosts a variety of mammalian species, and Reptilia is home to reptilian inhabitants and landscapes.   In addition to the continents, there exists a distinctive region known as Amphibia, which is more akin to a vast swamp or archipelago. Amphibia is unique in its composition, housing amphibious life forms and displaying a dynamic interplay between land and water.   Chordata's aquatic realms are defined by three oceans: Elasmo, Bone, and Agnatha. Bone Ocean features a vibrant marine ecosystem, Elasmo Ocean is characterized by its more volatile inhabitants and underwater landscape, and Agnatha Ocean is a desolate habitat home to primitive jawless aquatic species.   With its varied continents and oceans, Chordata stands as a captivating world within the Animalia Galaxy, offering a rich tapestry of landscapes and ecosystems for exploration. Chordata has one moon, Lumina.
Included Locations

Modern Era

6052 DE/ME and beyond

  • 1811 ME

    (Faked) Assassination of Princess Liora
    Life, Death

    Assassination of Princess Liora