
The Pinnipeds, residing primarily in the waters of Pinniped Sea and the island of Selkie City, are a secretive and insular group of aquatic mammals. Characterized by their sleek, streamlined bodies and webbed appendages, Pinnipeds are highly adapted to life in the water, where they spend the majority of their days.
  Privacy is paramount to the Pinnipeds, who prefer to keep to themselves and maintain a distance from outsiders. While they intermingle freely among their own kind, interactions with other races are rare and often met with caution. Despite their reserved nature, Pinnipeds are known for their values of education, curiosity, peace, and artistic expression, particularly in the form of music.
  Freedom is cherished above all else by the Pinnipeds, and the thought of captivity is abhorrent to them. Those who are caught or confined experience a profound decline in health, as their spirits are broken by the loss of their natural habitat. Rapid rescue is imperative in such situations, as prolonged captivity can result in the literal demise of a Pinniped due to a broken spirit.

Ancestral Lineage:

  The Pinniped race traces its lineage to four distinct ancestral groups, each contributing unique traits to the collective:


Pinnipeds with Seal ancestry are adept in the vocal tradition of their mages, known as sirens. Proficient in performance, they often excel in artistic pursuits, particularly music.

Sea Lion:

Sea Lion descendants of the Pinniped race exhibit exceptional survival skills at sea. They are proficient in enduring long periods in aquatic environments, and can even sleep at sea.


Pinnipeds with Walrus lineage are formidable in physical combat, wielding their tusks as natural melee weapons. As the largest of their race, they possess immense strength and resilience, often serving as powerful guardians and protectors of their community.


Platypus Pinnipeds are the smallest of their group standing at 4-5 feet tall. However, don't let their small stature and adorable duck bill fool you; They have venomous barbs on their forearms that they can use to defend themselves.
  Together, these ancestral groups form a harmonious society of Pinnipeds, united by their shared values and deep connection to the waters of Lake Pinniped and Selkie Island.


The Pinniped are a race of mostly aquatic mammals who spend the majority of their days in the waters around their island home on the Pinniped Sea. They are a private race, intermingling among themselves but rarely with outsiders. They are characterized by smooth, streamlining skin and webbed appendages. While each free spirit is different, as a whole the race values education and curiosity, peace, and artistic pursuits - especially music. Having their freedom stripped from them is often the worst fate a Pinniped could imagine. A Pinniped who has been caught or caged is prone to grow weak and ill. Without rapid rescue, they may literally die from a broken spirit.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 10ft Walking, 30ft Swimming
race features:

Adept Swimmer

You are most at home in the water. You have advantage on all attacks during combat on or in water against non-aquatic or semi-aquatic enemies.


Your very nature as a water dwelling creature makes you more adept at swimming. You can hold your breath for up to fifteen minutes. During combat, if on or near a water source, you can use your bonus action to successfully HIDE underwater.

Ancestral Lineage

The Pinniped race can trace their lineage to one of four ancestral groups, although all four groups live harmoniously:


Due to the vocal tradition of your mages (sirens) you are proficient in performance and learn one cantrip from the Bard spell list. Charisma is your spell casting ability for this cantrip.

Sea Lion:

You are especially proficient in surviving at sea for long periods. You have +1 Survival and +2 Constitution.


Your tusks are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. You are also the largest of the race and count as Large instead of Medium.


Your tusks are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. You are the largest of the race and are also able to carry and move weight as if you were one size larger.