
In central Mammalia, the country of Primata is home to the Primatans, a proud and diverse group of mammals spanning various shapes and sizes, from the lanky Lemurs to the muscular Apes.
  Characterized by their above-average intelligence and ambitious nature, Primatans are known for their pursuit of highly technical careers in fields such as medicine, science, and invention. Their insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge drive them to push the boundaries of innovation and exploration, making significant contributions to society as a whole.
  While Primatan individuals may differ in appearance and demeanor, they typically share a sense of pride in their evolutionary lineage and consider themselves to be at the forefront of mammalian advancement. This perceived superiority, however, often leads to perceptions of arrogance and intolerance among other races, despite the lack of empirical evidence supporting such claims.
  Nestled within Primata lies the bustling metropolis of Mammaliopolis—the capitol city and cultural hub of the Mammalian world. Housing the capitol is also something the Primata are extremely proud of, despite it technically being sovereign from the rest of the country.
  Primata society is structured around small family groups, where socialization and cooperation are paramount. Despite their tendency to socialize with members of other races, Primatans often maintain a sense of distinctiveness and pride in their own heritage and accomplishments.
  Despite occasional tensions with other races, the Primatans are generally well-respected for their immense contributions to society and their unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and progress. As guardians of Mammaliopolis and champions of innovation, the Primatans stand as a testament to the power of intellect and ambition in shaping the world around them.
Genetic Descendants


The Primata are a proud race of mammals ranging in shape & size from lanky, 4 foot tall Lemurs to muscular, 8 foot tall Apes. While difficult to stereotype such a diverse race, they typically share a few common traits, including being of above average intelligence and ambition. They often pursue highly technical careers, such as medicine, science, or invention. They usually live in small family groups and socialize with members of other races, but do tend to consider themselves to be a step 'above' evolutionarily (though there is no evidence supporting this). This leads them to often be regarded as arrogant and intolerant by other races, but because of their large contributions to society they are generally well-respected.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Climbing
sub races:


Ape Primata primarily live in urban settings. They are generally larger in size and more muscular than other Primata. Temperament varies by individual, but Ape Primata are generally more aggressive, confident, and imposing than their smaller cousins. It is not uncommon for members of this subrace to be in positions of leadership, particularly in military and political organizations, where their natural proficiency in strategic thinking is invaluable.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:


Your innate strategic thinking abilities result in a proficiency in persuasion.

Powerful Build

You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Ancestral Lineage

Gorilla: Natural Intimidator

Your natural strength and brutish nature grants you special abilities. Upon rolling an athletics or intimidation check add 1d4 to the roll.

Bonobo: Sociosexual

Your comfort and experience levels with sexual activity, which among your non-monogamous community is widespread and encouraged for greeting, bonding, pleasure, and reproduction with any who consent, gives you proficiency in acrobatics and performance.

Chimpanzee: Natural Academic

Using your natural intelligence you gain an extra 1d4 on Investigation and History rolls.

Orangutan: Nature's Warrior

Your connection with nature allows you to cast the Shillelagh cantrip.


Lemur Primata are an extremely confident and upbeat race. They are naturally athletic and born with inquisitive minds. They are quite fond of games, adventuring and anything that allows them to work with their hands. Due to their boastful and energetic nature, Lemurs can often be mistaken for being disrespectful and troublesome by high-strung individuals. However due to their strength, honesty and loyalty they have little trouble finding work in cities and rural towns. Lemurs tend to get along quite well with most other races, and the friendships formed by them are famously strong.
ability score increase:
alignment: Usually good or neutral
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 10ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Nocturnal Ancestry

Living in darkly forested areas and having Nocturnal ancestry has resulted in accustomed eyesight in low light. You have Darkvision up to 30 feet.

Matriarchal Society

Lemur society is notably matriarchal, even as society in general moves more toward gender-balance. Female Lemurs are proficient in Intimidation and Male Lemurs are proficient in Perception.


Naturally curious and jovial, Lemurs have a tendency to enjoy pulling pranks or causing minor trouble for amusement. Choose a proficiency in Thieves' Tools, Disguise Kit, or Forgery Kit.


Monkey Primata are notably smaller than their Ape cousins, standing at 5-6 feet tall and typically being of a more lanky build. They have long arms and a long tail, making them particulary nimble and agile, especially at climbing. Monkey Primata are generally considered to be more sociable and charismatic than their Ape cousins, but are equally as intelligent and gifted. They have a tendency to be somewhat 'clique-y' and while loyal to those within their inner circles, can be devastatingly effective at ganging up on outsiders.
ability score increase:
alignment: Any
Size: Medium
speed: 20ft Walking, 20ft Climbing
parent race: ]
race features:

Adept Climbers

You are at home in the treetops and have a climbing speed of 20 feet.  

Prehensile Tail

Your tail is an additional appendage, capable of most things a hand can do like grabbing and holding small objects, including small weapons. You may use your tail to make an attack, either unarmed or wielding a weapon, as a Bonus Action in combat.

Ancestral Lineage

Howler Monkey:

Your wit and loud voice give you an innate ability to cast Vicious Mockery.

Spider Monkey:

Your spiritual connection to the arachnid that is your namesake allows you to cast a modified version of Web (you do not need to have a bit of spiderweb in order to cast, and instead of spiderweb it is actually thin jungle vines that ensnare your target).


You are universally adorable and you know it. +1 Charisma.


You have an innate spiritual connection with the cosmos that allows you to cast Augury.


Tamarins love to occupy their minds and often become more experienced with certain skills or tools. You gain Proficiency with one Skill or Tool of your choice.
race features:

Ability Score Increase

Your evolved brain provides a +2 ability score increase to either wisdom or intelligence.

Lofty Ambition

Being raised with high expectations has resulted in a strong sense of ambition, that mostly leads you to success. You have advantage on a check of your choice once per short rest.