Falksurr Species in Annwfyn | World Anvil
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Falksurr are the fire swamp-dwelling siblings of the amphibious vanandra. Unlike vanandra, their temperaments do not vary based on their environment: they are aggressive and carnivorous and only inhabit bubbling hot springs and fire swamps.
Falksurr mounts are rare but not unheard of. They are notoriously difficult to control; therefore, anyone who possesses a falksurr mount is likely to be feared and respected.
Due to their patterning and aggressive behavior, falksurr are often known as "tiger vanandra."

Basic Information


Falksurr are semiaquatic salamander-like beasts that stand at about three feet in height and over twenty feet in length. Its body is soft and covered in a sticky mucous that, if touched without protective magics or clothing, is caustic enough to cause severe burns. Bearing hundreds of razor-sharp teeth that grow back if knocked out, the falksurr is a predator feared by many. Their tails, which can make up nearly half of their length, can be detached if attacked, and will grow back quickly if the falksurr is eating regularly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Massive quantities of fertilized eggs are laid in hot water and left to hatch. Only a handful of the eggs hatch and reach adulthood.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eggs are laid in water; once hatched, the larvae live primarily in the water, coming out only if the body of water they were born into lacks the nutrition they require. After a certain point, the water becomes too concentrated in falksurr anyway, and food becomes far more competitive, so many falksurr enter their early juvenile stage searching for a new bodies of water to inhabit and guard. When they are no longer tied to the body of water they inhabit, falksurr are considered adults, and will travel large swaths of land to hunt.

Ecology and Habitats

Falksurr live in hot, dank, and humid places, like fire swamps and hot springs. They are immune to fire and have been known to live in pools of lava if they find it. They are capable of breathing air, water, and lava.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Falksurr are solely carnivorous, eating fish, smaller falksurr, and any other fauna they can find. They are aggressive and will attack faery if they can find them.


Falksurr can be quick-moving in short bursts, generally when striking against their preferred prey. They will travel far on land and water to search for new food sources, and become incredibly aggressive when they find their targets.
The most falksurr you will see in the same area, barring a territorial dispute, is a breeding pair, although they will not stay together for long. Falksurr are aggressive to any living creatures around, including those of its own species.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Falksurr produce quite a bit of helpful materials if properly handled. Their tails, for example, which can easily be removed, can be exploited for their mucous layer, skin, and flesh.
  Falksurr mucous is extremely hot and can cause burns, but if neutralized with the proper treatment, it can be used in cooking as a flavor enhancer or in medicine as a treatment for burns. Used as-is, falksurr mucous can be used as a fuel source for fires. Mixed in paint and enchanted, the mucous can be used to create fire-resistant body paint or enchanted tattoo ink.
  Their skin can be used as fire-resistant armor. When dried, it can be crafted into thick, reliable leather. It can also burn for a very long time before being reduced to ash.
In some cultures, falksurr meat is a delicacy. A single adult falksurr tail could feed a whole family for a week if prepared properly. Falksurr jerky is a favorite treat among certain groups.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Very sensitive to vibrations, falksurr have a sense equivalent to tremorsense, which allows them to hunt even in the middle of the day, when they are blinded by daylight. Falksurr are also capable of superheating their bodies and skin, boiling water around them if submerged.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Muirthiria fiantae
Average Height
.7 - 1 m
Average Weight
180 - 240 kg
Average Length
6 - 9 m
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Falksurr tend to be red, orange, or yellow in color, but darker brown falksurr have been spotted. They tend to have lighter and/or darker stripes.


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