Kalisha - Goddess of Life

"The kiss of the Ever-Mother grows entire forests. Her conception marked the birth and beginning of all life, and in her presence, Death itself is forever vanquished" - Ancient scrolls from the library of Lustra, author and year unknown.

Kalisha - Also referred to as the Ever-Mother, The Lifebringer, and The Spirit of Renewal - is the goddess of life, and one of The Prime Gods. She is the very essence of every living organism, and is believed to be the reason for mortals having souls. Without her, nothing in the universe could ever move of its own accord, and nothing would be able to grow. She is considered a counterpart to Atrophos, and in myths they are described as two parts of one whole - they represent a beginning and an end to all life.   Though she is the one Prime God who is worshipped the most, it is uncertain how much influence she exerts over the mortal world. Many scholars believe her to be concerned with the proliferation of life in all of its forms on a grand scale, and does not care for individual beings, but commoners will offer the occasional prayer to her amidst prayers to others gods - either for fertility, a good harvest, or something to that effect. Those that worship Kalisha worship life on a large scale as well, wishing for the continuation and prosperity of life, and are often either vegetarians, pacifists, or both.   Kalisha is often depicted much like her sister, Acara, in that light shines from her in a grandiose way. With Kalisha, however, flowers, forests and birds are often prevalent on artwork dedicated to her. She is believed to be pure kindness, forgiveness, health and unfettered prosperity, and rarely is she described in myths as violent. But as is the case with any god, especially Prime Gods, her powers are believed to be vast and unfathomable. She is a protector of that which breathes, and will not hesitate to protect life itself.   Scholars have often argued as to the extent of her mercy and care, where some believe her to care for demons, devils and other evil beings , whereas others argue that she oppose such creatures, since they represent the drive to end and torture living things, rather than nurture them. This is a heated topic to be sure, but mostly a concern among philosophical circles. Among the commonfolk, she is known as a symbol of light, happiness and the joy of existing and creating.

Divine Domains

Life: Kalisha represents all living things, from the material world to the farthest reaches of The Outer Planes. The few devoted to Kalisha believe that her presence can be felt at all times - in one's own body and in the world around oneself.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Kalisha - a woman entangled in roots, making up the center of the Tree of Life.
Divine Classification


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