Keranos - God of the Sun

"... For without the sun, where would we be? Surely, we must praise the sun as we praise the universe for the gift of life - The Dawnfather is the light that guides us even in the darkest of times." - Excerpt of the Dawn's Light.

Keranos is the god of the sun, the father of light and the bringer of warmth. He is often referred to as "Lord of the Dawn", "The Light of Mankind", "The Blazing Father", "The Lightbringer", "The Dawnfather" or "The Lord of Light". He is believed to be the son of Kalisha and Oranos. Being a Lesser God, he is more actively worshipped than the The Prime Gods, and among the Lesser Gods he has one of the most prolific faiths of Anora. Especially Candor and Licinia are known for having the faith of the sun as their primary religion. As such, he is thought to currently be one of the most powerful Lesser Gods in existence, gaining power from the massive amount of devoted followers.

Typical Sayings

Followers of Keranos have many sayings and greetings, the most common being:  
  • "Walk in the Light"
  • "Light be with you"
  • "May the Dawnfather shine his light upon you"
  • "Sun's grace upon you, friend"
  • "May the Sun bless you"

Divine Domains

The Sun and Light itself is what Keranos is thought to represent. He is believed to be the bringer of warmth and all the benefits of the sun, often being celebrated at harvest feasts among other gods. He is believed to be both a god of compassion and kindness as well as heavenly fury and righteous fire. He commands the fires of the world, and he is believed to be the reason for the world having daylight at all. He is mostly absent in the dark corners of the world, and followers of Keranos will most prominently feel his presence on a clear summer day.

Holy Books & Codes

There are many books written by different philosophers of the faith contemplating the nature of Keranos and his wishes. Some books are said to be inspired by divine revelation, and others are grand works of ethical theory, discussing the topics of living a moral life as a devout follower of Keranos.   The most notable book said to be divinely inspired is the "Dawn's light". While the original author is unknown, clerics of Keranos share its knowledge far and wide, and it has many copies. The book mostly contains short moral stories providing guidance on the topic of a good life. There are some central tenets that appear in some stories, described below.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Keranos is a six-pointed golden or coppery circle, meant to symbolize the sun. To some it is a sign of light, order, kindness and safety. To others, it is a symbol of oppression and tyranny, allowing nothing but the light to be worshipped. Licinia is a nation known for a particularly zealous and fundamentalist religion devoted to Keranos, with the Order of the Blazing Sun believed to have the same influence as the royal family, if not more. In Candor, the Children of the Light represent a milder, more benevolent version of the faith, focusing on kindness, acceptance and the spreading of the light across the world.

Tenets of Faith

The beliefs of the followers of Keranos are quite varied, but some central tenets are held as dogma among most followers of the sun, such as:  
  • Spread the light whenever possible.
  • Share your wealth with the less fortunate.
  • Honor Keranos, and hold him above all others in your regard.
  • Show compassion, and compassion will be shown to you.
  • Seek the light, and you shall find it.
  • Smite those who seek to diminish the light.
  • Always speak the truth, for nothing can hide in the glory of the sun.


Followers of Keranos celebrate the Day of the Sun every year, which is always held on the longest day of the year. It is a grand feast celebrating the warmth of the summer season, where long tables are set up outside, and commoners dance, drink and eat from dawn till dusk.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The followers of keranos have a certain diversity among them, and they differ in their beliefs about the goals of Keranos, or at the very least the means of achieving these goals. Most believe that Keranos seeks to spread his divine light to every corner of the world, making the entirety of Anora bask in the glory of his wisdom and warmth. Others have a slightly different interpretation, believing Keranos to be the annihilator of darkness, and that his followers must smite whatever evil they find.
Divine Classification
Lesser God
Current Location


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