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This sprawling city is enclosed by a wall and is situated along the Coastal Trail. Built on the site of ruins atop a catacomb of underground springs, Borth is an eclectic blend of cultures and religions.


85% human, 10% demihuman, 5% all else.


A council of wealthy merchants rules the city. As such, most of their rules deal with commerce and protection of trade. They leave the military side of the city to the watch captain Tred Dohrin.


The city is walled with guard towers along its perimeter with a citadel in the center of town for the militant forces. Most of the watch are sellswords and knaves. Law is enforced by a rigid soldier turned sheriff; a man named Tred Dohrin.

Industry & Trade

The region is known for cotton and wool, having large textile bases in Bryn Shander and Caplinger Mills. It also ships trades a fair amount of salt mined from Weaver.

Borth is also known for mining, trapping, lumber, and gems.


Borth is a city of exotic fashion. The varied cultures, languages, and faith have led folks to experiment. The locals dress in unusual clothing that is scanty and brightly colored.


Formed as the northernmost city of the Kolme Pact, Borth has absorbed many cultures and faith in its history. As an edict of the Kolme Pact, worship of the All-Father was mandatory. That practice has grown lax over the years and now more people worship Lugh, the pagan god of art, travel, and commerce with a major conversion to this faith occurring in 78 PH. Prior to this conversion, the city increased its sea trade, building a better route to the coast and diminished its land routes beyond their textile base. Worship of the All-Father diminished and they started worshipping Lugh, with 70% of the locals worshipping him. This decline in land trade began as fear of banditry and thieves along the road and now with the increase in sea commerce, they are fearful of pirates and smugglers as well.


Wide paved streets to areas of commerce and among those sections of the city inhabited by merchants and the upper class. Most of the lower city is unpaved with rutted and muddy roads. Housing is wood only in the lower city with wood or straw roof, while those of the upper class enjoy stone and wood with wood or slate roofs. The houses are solid and well built.
Alternative Name(s)
Rock Springs, Salt Springs
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Borthites, Springers
Owning Organization
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