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Cádiz grew up around a calm, coastal bay. Rolling grassy terrain inland with a safe harbor on the seaside has allowed this town to prosper.


80% human, 10% demihuman, and 10% all else.


The city is ruled by a benevolent sovereign.


The city is defended by a standing army of devoted soldiers. The laws are more like guidelines and no swords, axes, or spears are allowed to be carried in the city.

Industry & Trade

The region is an ideal location for cattle and they export a lot of beef by sea and farther south to St. Sebastian. Due to King Arraman and the Burren, most commerce occurs by sea. Many peoples of the Korinn Archipelago trade in the city.


The city is known for its jousting games and combat festivals. This is a thriving source of income that draws spectators and participants from all parts of the Cerulean.


The city is also known for olives, wines, glass, nuts, ink, spices, drugs, and rare textiles.


Formed as a city of the Kolme Pact, Cádiz has consisted mainly of outcasts and survivors from its birth.  

In 248 CY nomadic tribes from the south Cerulean and forces from farther inland tried to sack the city. Many of the people starved or died defending the city, and destruction of the city seemed imminent as its walls were breached. People were taken, buildings looted, and many homes burned. Only the tribal nature of the attacking force spared them from annihilation, as the tribes fell to warring with each other after they reaped a few slaves and some treasure from Cádiz. Those tribes strong enough to fight were easily repelled by the survivors.

Another crisis arose during the Hellscream War when forces of King Blackthorne, led by Ambrose Rhigaerd, laid siege to the city in the autumn of 1519 CY. The siege lasted through the winter with the city being sacked in spring of 1520 CY. The forces of Kunger were halted by the elemental mage Abi-Dalzim and other east coast forces where the Burren now exists.

Alternative Name(s)
Sand City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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