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Esram Petrey

Lieutenant Esram Petrey

A common-looking man that does menial jobs around town, he was introduced to Guntar by Bors on 04-19-102 PH.

He has been helping the city watch of Hanuman, training arbalest and sword use. His two boys, Lidge and Malchus, aged 12 and 10, as of 04-25-102 PH are staying at the Hanuman Temple as acolytes.

The party notes he has been quiet of late, but Guntar cannot quite put a name to what seems different about Esram. On 04-27-102 PH he visits with Alma and asks if it is okay for him to ask Dione Hanson to marry him.

When the party returns to Troll Fjord on 05-23-102 PH, Esram meets with Guntar. Guntar realizes the man has been drinking and he looks relaxed and complete with weapons and armor. Esram tells Guntar about his wife's death and how he lost his arm. He states he is going to the Kilmar Valley and track down his past, fearing that if he gets close to Dionne Hanson, this entity from his past will resurface and cause them harm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin, wiry, and with a steady gait. He looks older than his 32 years.

Body Features

Missing left arm mid-forearm down. Presumably from a fight.

Facial Features

Clean shaven, worn face with lines of worry, but with kind eyes and an overall expression of caring.

Special abilities

He is an excellent shot with a crossbow and could 'track a bird flying'.

Apparel & Accessories

Clad in clean, neatly repaired, old common clothing.

Specialized Equipment

One of the few people around that can use a sword. He has a mule named Emma.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Used to be on the Fjord watch until he lost his arm. Moved to Hanuman, raised a family, then his wife drowned.


Does odd jobs around town, now working with Zadina to teach sword work and arbalest to the town watch.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at reading enemies but challenged by raising four children. Organizes them by age into rank.

Vices & Personality flaws

Afraid of the dark and will not enter a body of water where he cannot see or touch the bottom.


Dedicated to hygiene and maintaining his equipment, to include weapons and clothing in the best possible condition. This is not to say new, but his items are functional if showing signs of repeated repair.


Family Ties

He is son-by-law to Ferenk Howarth, owner of the sawmill. He has four children, two boys 12 and 10, plus two younger girls. Dione Hanson watches the girls during the day.   First boy, Lidge, born 89 PH. Malchus in 92 PH. Two girls are ages 8 and 6, born in 94 PH and 95 PH. Met wife on leave during the war, married, got her pregnant (not necessarily in that order), and returned to her after the Battle of Kilmar Valley.
Neutral Good
Year of Birth
70 PH 32 Years old


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