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Garron's Overlook

Once the rampart of defense against attack from the south, this city now lies in ruin. Its Ba'al, Qara Temür, died in 1 PH with the rule of the city being assumed by a council of wizards. Those wizards destroyed the city and it exploded in a gout of fire and magic in 27 PH.

In the early months of 102 PH Chimal traveled by the area on his way northward. He reports it is a desolate ruin now with a belt of sandy waste around it. Viewing the area from a safe distance, he witnessed black clouds crackling with lightning and spitting warm, angry rain to plague the region.


85% human, 10% demi-human, and 5% all else.


It was founded as a stratocracy by Qara Temür after the Hellscream War. She headed a military republic that commanded a supreme fighting force of horse archers and warriors. After her death, a ruling council of wizards emerged and argued for a less militant rule, converting to a magocracy. Qara belonged to the tribal clan Daur and the wizards feared attack by rival clans. The prevalent idea was law and order, with many people being neutral or good.


A simple road from the Naziri Valley Abbey region approached from the south, while the Coastal Trail headed north. The pass was flanked by high bluffs and easy to defend. The city also enjoyed a force of supreme horse archers and warriors.

Industry & Trade

Nomadic traders roamed inland and to the south, bringing many unusual goods to the area. Also, in an effort to diminish tribal conflict, Qara opened the city to gladiatorial games and allowed the clans to still fight, but without threatening the peace.


Built along the north ridge of the Garron Massif, it is an interconnected series of towers and fortresses that guarded against invasion from the south.


The Garron Massif is a prominent upheaval from the surrounding plain that is rich with gold and silver deposits.


The area has held strategic importance long before it was settled by Qara Temür after the Hellscream War. Many of the paved courtyards and older buildings of the city were built by Antigonians or Kith-El settlers. Nomadic tribes warred over the area for generations prior to the Hellscream War and Qara was of the Daur clan. Her inclusion in the Kunger expedition and survival entitled her to become ruler of the Five Towers. After her death, the ruling class feared some type of disease, but the wizard council feared attack by rival clans, so they adopted a magocracy. The common people were more sensible and feared the growth of magic. They proved to be correct as the squabbling among the wizard council led to the city's destruction in 27 PH.


Built as a pentad of fortresses linked by a road along the north ridge of the Massif, houses were of native stone or baked sand blocks.


The Garron Massif is a series of sharp peaks that rise from the surrounding plain. Its elevation makes it readily defensible and being adjacent to Lake Demilune affords it a valuable water source.

Natural Resources

Gold and silver abound in the hills, but locals also herded sheep and managed trade caravans to the south and farther inland for rare goods.

27 PH

Alternative Name(s)
The Overlook, Five Towers
Owning Organization

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