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Advent Hegemony

This is an alliance of the city-states along the east coast. Founded in 01 PH after the Hellscream War, the states were ruled by the survivors of the Kunger expedition.


There are currently six intact city-states in the Hegemony with Troll Fjord as the hegemon. They are listed below from north to south with their current ruler status:
  • The Reach - Ba'al Poul Barhan
  • troll Fjord - Ba'al Angus Pangborn
  • High Horn - Ba'al Charlestone Whitmire
  • Vosper's Colony - Ba'al Keegan Artair and The Lustrum
  • Fort Mothar - Ba'al Abram Greycloak and Vigor Salonis
  • St. Sebastian - Ba'al Khando
  • Ruined Capitals
  • The Breakwater - Ba'al Durless Lómárion
  • Garron's Overlook - Ba'al Qara Temür and a defunct magocratic council
  • The existing states still meet every Armistice Day (August 07th) to discuss policy and report on the status of the city-states.

    Public Agenda

    At its founding, the Hegemony was to maintain the Coastal Trail, provide armed protection for settlements along the trail, and prevent attack by sea for from the Wilderlands. As the cohesion of the Hegemony degraded and memory of the Hellscream War faded the city-states have become a collection of bickering, self-centered entities.


    Upon its founding, Hanuman was actually the ruling city but was built into Troll Fjord in the first third of the century after the war. Garron's Overlook fell to magic rivalry about the same time and The Breakwater exploded in flame mid-century. These events aided in the degradation of the Hegemony.


    • Advent Hegemony

      The sigils of the Advent Hegemony.

    Founding Date
    01-01-01 PH
    Geopolitical, Republic
    Notable Members

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