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The Ravens

Is there any animal more loyal than a raven? Not if you ask any member of this guild. What started in antiquity as an organization of messengers for the king’s personal use became much more through the generations. Before long, the Ravens had become a society of scribes, bird trainers and messengers whose sole purpose was the spreading of knowledge.

Now, decades on, whispers and rumors of the Ravens have begun to be spoken around the tables at local inns. News is spread through small notes, often transported on a trained raven’s ankle. The literate then spread the news among those who can only speak the common tongue. For a more exorbitant fee, they provide specialized service with scroll tubes protected by magic and attuned to only be opened by the recipient.

The Ravens stand for truth above all else, and if any story in the realm is to have weight, it often starts with the words: “A Raven told me...”


Their intention was to quickly spread the news across the realm to the benefit of all but, as is all too common, their power was soon turned to darker purposes. An ancient king used the Ravens as a platform to spread propaganda and condemn those groups who opposed or spoke ill of him. The Raven leaders who did not agree to spread the king’s messages were jailed, and the remaining scribes, forced to write falsities, conspired together. The remaining elders among them, meanwhile, decided to leave the service of the king and instead live a life of seclusion and secrecy. No longer would they live in the lap of luxury within the palace. Their dedication to the spreading of truth and knowledge led to a collective agreement to abandon the lap of luxury in the dead of night.

The king was understandably furious when the news reached him that his scribes had vanished. He cursed their names and offered a prince’s ransom for their capture, but the search was fruitless. The scribes had all taken new names and histories and settled in new cities as far away as they could manage.

The Ravens thrived but were not overly selective about their messages, other than they would not spread propaganda. After the Battle of Kilmar Valley they have refused to deliver any missives that will immediately contribute to mass loss of life.


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