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Sages debate if the Ugarran King Aesu was human or Wyrgan, but they all agree he made a pact with Chemosh. According to legend, in exchange for this devotion and worship, Chemosh helped the King defeat the Solchan Empire. As such, this was the largest of the ancient empires, spanning from the Whitesteel River to the north, south to the Saxe Crystal River. It is also the longest-lived of the ancient empires, its rule spanning from 4858 AH to 4211 AH.


Wyrgans ruled this land, having the cooperation of chromatic dragons, Darndovah, and various human peoples. Many Solchans were also allowed to live here after the fall of their empire, but they were enslaved for menial labor.

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Empire of Antakya.
Ugarran or Ugarrans.


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