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Attack on Kunger

Military action

1520 CY (2 AH)

War is difficult for the east coast communities, but they are able to capture a Kunger ship. With this, men sail to Kunger to attack King Blackthorne.

Winter is hard and those not in the cities, mainly the King's armies, suffer from exposure and starvation. Hellscream clerics spend their time animating these dead and adding to their armies.


By January the cities are cesspools of death. The bulk of the surviving people decide to flee east into the interior while the cold holds Blackthorne's forces to the coast. Many die, but it is presumed many make it, though none are reported seen again. Those missing people are recognized for their sacrifice and bravery during the Feast of Gilead, an annual holiday celebrated on January 7th.


Desperate, the rulers of the tri-cities open their reserve stores of grain and the remaining people survive. They rationalize it would be better to be dead, than hungry and dead. The people self-ration themselves and humans outside the cities smuggle food into the besieged.


In late spring, a group of soldiers assembles and offers to take the fight to King Blackthorne. Falling ill during the spring, he returned to Kunger. These men offer to sail to Kunger with the assistance of some captured sailors and assassinate the King.


On October 10th the King is slain and by year's end word of his death reaches the people in the eastern cities. Mercenaries and dead make up most of the King's army and they do not quit fighting. The siege slacks off on the cities, but forces run rampant in the countryside killing and looting.

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