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Meter Chronos

The primary timeline for events in the Antigonia setting.

  • 12049 AH

    Celestial / Cosmic

    The moment when the All-Father spawned two forms to watch over his creation, namely the land and sea and the lifeforms thereof, as well as humanity.

  • 12048 AH

    Fall of Humanity
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The All-Father's greatest creation, man, is tempted by evil and succumbs. Humanity is cursed with death and hell unless they seek salvation through the All-Father.

  • 11669 AH

    Death of Cipactli
    Religious event

    This marks the time when Tezcatlipoca cut off his foot and used it to bait his father Cipactli. Cipactli touched the foot and died, which transferred his power to Tezcatlipoca, allowing him to take control of the cosmology.

  • 11583 AH

    4859 AH

    The Solchan Empire
    Era beginning/end

    The Solchan Empire that dominated the eastern coast of the Cerulean Sea for centuries.

  • 4915 AH

    Aesu forfeits his birthright to Yacoub
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    In exchange for a meal, Aesu gives his rights as first-born away while Yacoub dupes their blind father to receive Aesu's blessing.

  • 4887 AH

    Yacoub suffers the death of his son
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    As Aesu grows in power, he attacks Yacoub and his allies. Yacoub's son is slain.

  • 4876 AH

    Yacoub reunites with his son, the Kith-El is formed

    After fleeing south, Yacoub discovers his son has been sold into slavery and has become an important man among the Antigonians.

  • 4858 AH

    4211 AH

    The Age of Chemosh
    Era beginning/end

    This is the Empire of Antakya.

  • 4213 AH

    The Bolide Rendan
    Disaster / Destruction

    A rain of meteoric fire, possibly natural, that destroyed the atmosphere and destroyed 90% of life on the planet.

  • 1992 AH

    Enslavement of the Kith-El

    After two millennia humanity begins to prosper. The Antigonian people assume control of the lands south of the Cerulean Sea, enslaving all who oppose them.

  • 1605 AH

    Kith-El Flee Antigonia
    Gathering / Conference

    This is when the Kith-El fled the Antigonian peoples.

  • 1603 AH

    8 April

    Nusa ascends Mt. Vilcan to receive the Amahzatu
    Religious event

    Nusa leads his people out of slavery and forges a new pact with the All-Father.

  • 1525 AH

    The death of Nusa
    Life, Death

    The leader of the Kith-El dies and his son Ravehd assumes command of the Kith-El.

  • 1 CY (1521 AH)
    Return of the Kith-El
    Population Migration / Travel

    After years of slavery and exile, the chosen people of the All-Father return to their home along the east coast of the Cerulean Sea.

  • 6 CY (1516 AH)
    Ravehd defeats Grohn's army
    Military action

    With most of the Covenant Land under Kith-El control, Ravehd meets the humanoid army of Grohn at the River Eamon.

  • 8 CY (1514 AH)
    The Kolme Pact is signed
    Diplomatic action

    After seven years of bloody fighting, the occupants of the Covenant Land are defeated by the Kith-El.

  • 88 CY (1434 AH)
    Wycliffe is destroyed by flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    Heavy rains collected at the trace of the Peavy-Byrnes Mill and created a dam. Water accumulated and then destroyed the mill allowing a wall of water and debris to rush to the coast and demolish Wycliffe.

  • 248 CY (1274 AH)
    Cádiz attacked by tribal forces
    Military action

    Human tribes from the south Cerulean and farther inland banded together to lay siege to this coastal city.

  • 778 CY > 801 CY
    (744 AH > 721 AH)
    The First Perlogian War
    Military action

    The Emperor Cengor Tressis of Dargorea, sitting on his throne in Kunger, decides to invade the east coast. To reduce their attacking distance to the east coast across the Cerulean, the first campaign focused on gaining a foothold in the Perlog Archipeligo. This first campaign took over 20 years, with Dargorea annexing Dennir and Ventris and gaining High Port as a province.

  • 801 CY > 805 CY
    (721 AH to 717 AH)
    The Miner Wars

    Also known as the Coinless Wars, this happened when conscripted soldiers, mostly humans from Itateron and the dwarves of Imbarr Tor, rose up in rebellion after the First Perglogian War. They didn't like the sea fighting and were shorted of the vast riches promised if they allied with Dargorea. Kunger was divided on how to handle this uprising. Ultimately it involved a lengthy conflict and a reorganization of Dargorea's government.

    More reading
    Miner Wars
  • 804 CY > 807 CY
    (718 AH > 715 AH)
    The Green Wars
    Civil action

    Also known as the Galmar Conflict, this is when the peoples of Hisoam allied with giants and attacked the people of Ugar. Spurred to action by the First Perlogian War, the tribal people of the Galmar Expanse sought to strengthen their kingdom. It resulted in the founding of the Kingdoms of Agigaris and Krugopha; the former ruled by giants and south of the Oglevarn Run and the latter ruled by humans and north of same waterway.

  • 807 CY > 825 CY
    (715 AH > 697 AH)
    The Galmar Empire

    The ruling time of the Kingdoms of Agigaris and Krugopha. Relatively peaceful with each other, they fought to ally the other pagan and Kith-El peoples around them against another invasion by Dargorea. They were unsuccessful and the Empire floundered after the Second Perlogian War and was absorbed by the Dargorean immigration.

  • 825 CY > 842 CY
    (697 AH > 680 AH)
    The Second Perlogian War
    Military action

    Delayed by the Miner Wars, this war almost didn't happen. After spending two decades rebuilding their forces, Dargorea used its province at High Port to launch an attack on the East Coast mainland. Focused on St. Sebastian, it was a success that resulted in the immigration of many Dargoreans and the reaving of much of the southland's wealth. A secondary objective was to push towards Whikwater, but most of the army stalled in the North Sister Land. Dargorea pushed for a pincer move against Fort Mothar, but the campaign had lost its impetus. The Kingdom of Agigaris did become a Dargorean province and Krugopha was dissolved after the death of its king.

  • 844 CY (678 AH)
    Founding of Rodemus Holdfast

    Immigrating to the area after the Second Perlogian War, Wahrrain Rodemus establishes a truce with the Klezan of the Galmar Expanse and is allowed to build a road from Fort Bowen to the Fogmantle Hills through the forest. This road became Ridge Road and Rodemus renamed the forest Dargosta Wood in homage of his homeland. To protect his venture, he built his eponymous holdfast along that road, three days east of Fort Bowen.

  • 894 CY > 897 CY
    (628 AH > 625 AH)
    The Third Perlogian War
    Military action

    More that fifty years after the Second Perlogian War, this conflict was initiated to regain control of Dargorea's interests along the East Coast. Many Dargoreans immigrated inland and settled the East Coast during the Second Perlogian War. They weren't paying fealty to the Empire and Kunger decided to do something about it. They felt they could sack Fort Mothar, thereby removing the strongest military threat in the area, plus have a stronghold from which to enforce their rule. It failed miserably, as elemental mages and storm sorcerers destroyed most of their fleet before they landed along the Skeleton Coast.

  • 1137 CY (385 AH)
    The Prophet Ammohn destroys the Temple at Otago
    Disaster / Destruction

    After days of persecution, Ammohn faces off against King Morgane Pritchard and Divine Sanelius at the Temple of Astarte in Otago.

    The Breakwater
  • 1454 CY (68 AH)
    The Breakwater is Formed
    Military action

    Kaedon of the Lómárion family -- Narmers displaced by the Gaditano during the attacks against Cádiz in 248 CY (1274 AH) -- lays siege to Otago, taking rule of it for his family. He renames the city the Breakwater and endorses the attacks by Georgos Stoker upon the Kingdom of Agigaris and his destruction of the line of Wyker giant kings.

  • 1518 CY (4 AH)
    Origins of the Hellscream War
    Military action

    King Blackthorne of Kunger begins actions to conquer the east coast of the Cerulean Sea.

  • 1519 CY (3 AH)
    Hellscream War Begins
    Military action

    In early February the King attacks, catching many folks weary and unaware from their Imbolg festivities. The day is officially recognized as February 3rd as the holiday Grau Dood.

  • 3 AH

    2 AH


    Cádiz sacked by Kunger's army
    Disaster / Destruction

    The fall of Cádiz during the Hellscream War.

  • 1520 CY (2 AH)
    Attack on Kunger
    Military action

    War is difficult for the east coast communities, but they are able to capture a Kunger ship. With this, men sail to Kunger to attack King Blackthorne.

  • 2 AH

    14 July 15:00

    Abi-Dalzim creates the Burren
    Geological / environmental event

    After the sacking of Cádiz, Kunger's army, led by Ambrose Rhigaerd, moves north. They are met by an elemental mage and east coast forces.

    The Burren
  • 1 AH

    30 June 18:00

    Kunger forces defeated at the Verdon Gorge
    Military action

    After the magical destruction of the Kunger army by the mage Abi-Dalzim, Harrol Greycloak takes the fight to the resisting enemy.

    The Burren
  • 1521 CY (1 AH)
    Hellscream War Ends
    Era beginning/end

    The east coast men return from Kunger. King Blackthorne is now dead, but skirmishes continue through most of the year, with a peace treaty being signed on August 07th.

  • 1 PH

    1 January

    Advent Hegemony Formed

    Members of the Kunger Expedition that survived the Hellscream War are treated as heroes. They are given parcels of land to form city-states and the hegemony is formed, with Hanuman as the hegemon.

  • 1 PH

    4 September

    Death of Qara Temür
    Life, Death

    Qara Temür, known as the Black Iron, the Ba'al of Garron's Overlook dies.

  • 15 PH

    Arcane knowledge unearthed at The Breakwater
    Discovery, Scientific

    While expanding the city, engineers discovery a hidden series of catacombs.

    The Breakwater
    Additional timelines
  • 26 PH

    Troll Invasion at Oak Tree Fjord
    Military action

    Trolls are organized under the leadership of Doevgrub and invade civilized lands.

    Oak Tree Fjord
    Additional timelines
  • 27 PH

    Fall of Garron's Overlook
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city explodes in fire and magic, likely due to dabblings by the ruling council.

    Additional timelines
  • 28 PH


    Earthquake at Oak Tree Fjord
    Disaster / Destruction

    An earthquake strikes the area of Ravehd's Plunge, destroying the island in the River Eamon and causing horrific loss of gnome and halfling life. The demihuman settlement of Oak Tree Fjord is destroyed.

    Additional timelines
  • 34 PH

    Rioting wracks Vosper's Colony

    The commoners of The Fìf respond with violence to the unjust rule of O'Cuinn Artair.

    Additional timelines
  • 35 PH

    The Lustrum formed
    Diplomatic action

    The ruling body of Vosper's Colony is founded in response to O'Cuinn's treachery against The Fìf, rioting, and execution of O'Cuinn in 34 PH.

    Additional timelines
  • 38 PH

    Religous strife shakes St. Sebastian

    Tired of the strict religious rule of the theocracy, commoners and merchants rise up to overthrow the current regime.

    St. Sebastian
    Additional timelines
  • 49 PH

    Flood of Ravehd's Reach
    Disaster / Destruction

    Warm weather after a winter of heavy snowfall floods the glacial plain of The Reach.

    The Reach
    Additional timelines
  • 52 PH


    Fall of The Breakwater
    Disaster / Destruction

    At the height of its prosperity, the gateway to the Wilderlands erupts in gouts of flame that melts stone and turns people to ash.

    The Breakwater
    Additional timelines
  • 64 PH

    67 PH


    Sable Mischief infects Horn Hall
    Plague / Epidemic

    Two-thirds of the city's population die from a plague carried by black rats.

    Horn Hall
    Additional timelines
  • 78 PH

    Religious conversion in Borth
    Religious event

    The primary faith becomes worship of Lugh, the pagan god of arts, travel, and commerce.

  • 97 PH

    99 PH


    Siege of Fort Mothar
    Military action

    Wyrgan King Arraman and his goblinoid army lay siege to Fort Mothar.

    Fort Mothar
    Additional timelines
  • 102 PH

    19 April 15:00

    Fire wracks Temple of Fortitude
    Disaster / Destruction

    A huge conflagration nearly destroys the Temple of Fortitude on a Sunday after the noon mass.

    Additional timelines
  • 102 PH

    19 April 18:00

    Kiemas the White is freed
    Life, Relocation

    Buried in the soil under the ruined tower at Buckley, this white dragon is unearthed.

    Additional timelines
  • 102 PH

    20 April 9:00

    The Grand Jewel sets sail

    The Pangborn Ship "The Grand Jewel" sets sail from Falls Church.

    Additional timelines