Church of Amesha

The Church of Amesha formed shortly after the fall of the Tueton Empire. The Church follows the teachings of Amesha, an acolyte of D who survived the final battle of the Arcane Wars. She preached of the evils of arcane magic and the horrors of the war itself. In time the cult that followed her became a full fledged religion, worshiping her as a savior after her death. The Church of Amesha is based in Aquitaine and has spread to the other major cities in northeast Luton.   The Amesha see the Old Gods as part of the problem that lead to the Arcane War and the Wyrding, and as such preach against them. However, the Amesha know that the Old Gods still have power, and are worshiped by many in the country side. So while they attempt missionary work, they do not label those who follow the Old Gods heretics.   The Amesha church is hierarchical with an Archbishop who leads from the Temple of Amesha in Aquitaine, to the bishops in the major cities, to the deacons in the smaller cities and finally to priests and priestesses in large villages. These make up the Ecclesiarchy. There is also the Inquisition who seek out any who use arcane magic to end their "suffering."
Religious, Organised Religion


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