ASC Member - Isaac Thompson

Venerable Grandmaster Isaac Thompson

Isaac A. Thompson
Writer of Tiyu Amara, and The Last Line



Broadcast Topics

worldbuilding, Art

Channel Summary

Isaac Thompson currently broadcasts 3 times a week for two hours at a time. The majority of streams will be worldbuilding focused in some way, whether that be designing visual aspects of the world or writing articles. What each stream will be about depends on the day, but broadly:

Wednesday 22:00 AEST
Worldbuilding and Article Writing. Working on slowly going through the stub backlog and updating older articles.
Saturday 22:00 AEST
Worldbuilding and Art. Designing visual aspects of the world, from clothing and characters to maps and buildings.
Sunday 22:00 AEST
Gaming Stream. Can be functionally anything. Typically last 2 hours, but can be longer.
  If there's a topic you'd like covered DM me on discord.

Also Known As


Catch Me on Discord

Isaac Thompson#8294


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