ASC Member - Sable Aradia

Councilor of the Inner Sanctum SableAradia

Diane Morrison
Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.



Broadcast Topics

writing, Worldbuilding, RPG, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Music

Channel Summary

We broadcast several time a week about writing, RPGs, science fiction and fantasy, and of course, World Anvil.

Regular Schedule

Sundays 11 AM PST/PDT (3 hrs)
Sable's Worldforge - World Anvil worldbuilding
Sundays 6 PM PST/PDT (3-4 hrs)
Toy Soldiers: Old School - Pathfinder RPG campaign in the Toy Soldier Saga
Tuesdays 2 PM PST/PDT (2 hrs)
Ask an Old GM - Erin answers Game Mastering & RPG questions
Tuesdays 5 PM PST/PDT (3 hrs)
Diane Actually Writes - writing sprints, World Anvil, and chill
Wednesdays 11 AM PST/PDT (3 hrs)
Diane Writes - writing, word sprints, and writing questions answered
Thursdays 5 PM PST/PDT (3 hrs)
Diane Actually Writes - writing sprints, World Anvil, and chill
Fridays 2 PM PST/PDT (2 hrs)
Ask an Old GM - Erin answers Game Mastering & RPG questions
Saturdays 2 PM PST/PDT (2.5 hrs)
Write with Erin (and Sometimes Diane) - writing sprints, World Anvil, and chill

Variant Schedule

Last Thursday of each month 11 AM PST/PDT (1 hr)
State of the Multiverse - Sable & Erin community stream --(Wyrd West, Toy Soldier Saga)
  Game of Tomes House Leader - House Lapin (Sable)
More information about the Game of Tomes here!   If there's a topic you'd like covered DM me on Discord!

Also Known As

Diane Morrison (Writer)

Catch Me on Discord

Sable Aradia #5380


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