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Malcor is a continent located in the south-west of Anviril

Located in the south-west of Anviril, Malcor is an isolated island continent West of Parawell  , surrounded by the malcorian strait, the trimere sea and the emerald Ocean.   Notable locations:
Arkencross, the capitol city of Malcor.
Luminestra, the religious capitol and central location of the Ecclesiarchy.
Windspell, the trading and naval city.
Whitehelm, a major city in the region of Effingval.
Imhara, a castle in the region of Vashya. Location of the Gate event.
The Forsaken lands, a region devastated and barron after 50 years of demonic incursion.

A large portion of Malcor consists of either open grasslands broken up by the occasional forest regions. The desert regions in the north-west and north-east are seperated from other regions by mountain ranges. The snowy region of Vashya is isolated, located withing a valley only accessable by a mountain pass.

History of Malcor

The current government of Malcor is an occupation by the military of Parawell, turning Malcor into a de facto vassal state.

Leadership structure:
Ronan, The Red Emperor
Malcor Base Map Image
Map of Malcor

Malcorian Civil Era

1487 AC 1923 AC

  • 1911 AC

    1945 AC

    Fran S. Davidavichski becomes chief of security in Whitehelm
    Diplomatic action

    Davidavichski, then still in the city guard, uncovered a plot to assassinate several members of the ruling house. Under heavy losses she led a troop of guards to storm the location where the suspects were located. As a sign of gratitude and recognition of her skill, she was appointed as the new chief of the whitehelm security force.

Era of Dark Intervention

1923 AC 1945 AC

  • 1945 AC

    The burning of Wolfhollow
    Disaster / Destruction

    The large town of Wolfhollow is attacked by a red dragon.

Player Campaign (Shield of Justice)

1945 AC 1946 AC

  • 1945 AC

    The burning of Wolfhollow
    Disaster / Destruction

    The large town of Wolfhollow is attacked by a red dragon.

  • 1946 AC

    The Gate event
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Gate event occurs by opening 7 sigils to create a portal to the unknown dimension. Parawell's current emperor Laska sends his military to Malcor to combat the incursion of the Beholder Azda.

  • 1946 AC

    1950 AC

    Demon incursion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The continent of Malcor experiences multiple incursions by demons. Parawell provides assistance.

The Malcor War

1946 AC 1979 AC

  • 1946 AC

    The Gate event
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Gate event occurs by opening 7 sigils to create a portal to the unknown dimension. Parawell's current emperor Laska sends his military to Malcor to combat the incursion of the Beholder Azda.

  • 1946 AC

    1950 AC

    Demon incursion
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The continent of Malcor experiences multiple incursions by demons. Parawell provides assistance.

  • 1979 AC

    Azda defeated
    Military: War

    The Beholder Azda is defeated, the breaches remain open.

  • 1979 AC

    Red Emperor Laska invades and occupies Malcor
    Military action

    Emperor Laska receives a demand from the fractured government of Malcor to withdraw his forces in 1979, Laska refuses. Malcor becomes a militarily occupied colony of Parawell.


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