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Red Emperor Laska of house Castagar

Laska of house Castagar is a Half-Elf and the current Red Emperor of Parawell

Born in 1852 as the eldest son of Red Emperor Melavon, Laska of house Castagar grew up at the court of his father and became familiar with his duties as the future Red Emperor of Parawell.

His Childhood he spend travelling throughout the Parawell empire, learning about all levels of life from different teachers and people selected. His younger brother Lorovar and younger sister Vylona saw him on rare occasions like family gatherings or whenever he returned to Martoil.

In 1884, Red Emperor Mevalon dies and Laska is called to Martoil to ascend to the Throne.

In 1892, Laska sends forces of the Parawell military to the continent of Malcor after a serious incursion leads to the invasion by the Beholder Azda on Malcor.

The war in Malcor remains the focus for Laska until the defeat of Azda in 1979.

In 1899, Laska marries Ventris of house Boldaar. They have 4 Children: Ronan, Zinto, Maywynn and Feyra.

Laska uses the liberation of Malcor from the Beholder Azda as an excuse to further expand influence over the region, declaring Malcor as a new province of Parawell and occupying it with force.

Over the years, Laska expands his rule as Parawell experiences increased instability due to revolutions.


Red Emperor Laska of house Castagar


Towards Ventris of house Boldaar

Ventris of house Boldaar


Towards Red Emperor Laska of house Castagar

Year of Birth
1852 AC 175 Years old


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