Erathis, Goddess of Civilization in Ao | World Anvil

Erathis, Goddess of Civilization

Goddess of Civilization and Victory, Patron of Minotaurs

Sibling of Morkau , Purphir and Erebos    Erathis is the unaligned god of civilization, inventions and law. Rulers, judges, pioneers and devoted citizens worship her, and her temples are present in most major cities of the world. She is the patron of the minotaurs after having defeated and wrestled them from her brother Morkau. Some stories say that Minotaurs are the offsprings of Erathis and Morkau, but people that tell such stories do not last long in Andalusia.

"Within the Walls of the Empire"

Followers of Erathis believe that everything is either inside the walls of her domain (light, order, life) or outside of it (darkness, chaos, death). This attitude reflects in everything therein.   Citizens of the Andalusian Empire are followers of Erathis, and their leaders are all Minotaur's for that. Also known as Ephara or Enki  


  • Do through others the work of the Goddess. The efforts of the individual pale against the capabilities of Empire.
  • Honor in conquest, cowards and oath breaks are to be despised, and traitors deserve no mercy in battle. The Conquered must be given a place within the Walls.
  • Tame the wilds of the world in the name of civilization, and defend these hills. Within the Walls is light and order, without is chaos and darkness.
  • Manifest Her Destiny. Create new places and colonies, build where inspiration hits, and expand the laws of the Lawbearer. Once everything is within the Walls, there shall be no more darkness.

Aspect of Victory

  Erathis other face is the steadfast goddess of honor and victory in war and conquest. When Andalusian soldiers march to battle, Her voice is the thunder of their footsteps and the crash of spear on shield. Soldiers, mercenaries, and athletes all pray for Erathis’ favor in securing victory. Common folk pray to Erathis for courage and fortitude in times of struggle, for his is the battle nobly fought and won.   When called for battle, Hers is a bold and confident demeanor, becomes pinnacle of martial pride and bearing. Those who honorably shed blood in Erathis' name can count on her support.


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