Republic of Albiria

Old nation of south of Ryuugoku    Constantly at war with the Ryuugani   Traditional attire is similar to Ryuugani, asian/samurai.   Deep jungles, river people, vast fertile farmland   Militaristic, Republic with representatives, Royal line considered holy but outside of politics   Hobgoblins lead, nation made of other goblinoids, small races, elves and humans.   Humans are welcomed, some even hold positions of wealth and power.   Have lots of steel and technology from the Ryuugani   Trade in Steel, Spices and Slaves   Their navy is not as advanced but their military is ferocious, surprisingly well organized and massive given goblinoid reproductive rates.   Allied with goblin states in the Honorable East Jovian Company , specifically the peninsula.   Protected from the Ryuugani by a mountain range and distance and cheer numbers.   Antigua nations   Andalusia: They depend on us for steel, cut them off if they get too close.   The Company: Their incursions into our coasts is not forgotten; we will take back what is ours; but we share a common enemy with the Ryuugani, so it is peace, for now.   Ryuugoku: War. Always war. Make them regret every time they cross the mountains; destroy their outpost to the south.   Urquessa: Their games with the free states can never be allowed to get out of hand, use the carrot for now, leveraging spices can do more than threats of violence.   Jovian Free Estates: We have brothers and sisters among them, we welcome them with open arms, but we cannot afford to lose them.   New World   We are glad it keeps other Antigua nations off our backs and it has disrupted the Ryuugani.   We shall use this time to keep looking among ourselves to become stronger, let others spread themselves thin across the maelstorm seas.   We must investigate the rumours of Dragons and Ryuugani interested in the Maztica; a new Ryuugoku must not be allowed to rise in the west.


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