Weed Whip (san-sur-ai viri-di-tas)

Sansurai Viriditas

Sansurai viriditas is a poisonous pest. They are more commonly known by the name weed whip, and are found growing all across Aolara in hot, dry climates. Weed whips have a very alien look about them. Their bright blue stem, triangular yellow head, and gently swaying tentacular arms make them extremely easy to spot and avoid. Weed whips are classified as a predatory flower. The centre of their yellow head secretes a sweet nectar to attract small insects. When their prey is gourging itself on that nectar, the weed whip snaps shut, trapping the insect. They then slowly begin to break their meal apart with a dissolving acid naturally formed within fluid sacs found in the base of their body.

Weed whips always grow with two to three tentacle-like arms that continuously sway and coil around them, mimicking a higher level of sentience. Large thorny bulbs grow at the end of each tentacle. Botanists believe them to be a defence mekanism used to discourage local fauna from eating them. The spiney bulbs are dangerously sharp and even produce a weak toxin that causes dizziness and in some cases vomiting. The thorns of the weed whip will break off and embed themselves in the skin of anyone unlucky enough to brush past one. These thorns are hooked, making the process of removing them extremely tedious and painful. Annoyingly, weed whips replaces any lost thorns astonishingly fast, reminiscent of shark loosing its teeth.

Weed whips are fairly easy to come by in deserts, savannahs, and badlands. Local farmers in these areas consider them a pest due to their invasive and destructive growth rate. Botanists and others wishing to study the flower should have no trouble getting a hold of a steady supply. It was discovered some years ago that if the spiked bulbs are removed, ground, and mixed with opalizite dust worth 20gp, the resulting fine powder has body-altering effects. When the powder is dissolved into an Idelia Leaf tea, the consumer will sprout partially poisonous thorns all over their body almost identical to those of a weed whip. These yellow, sharp spines act as a similar defence mekanism for the consumer, and last around 10 minutes before turning grey and flaking off of their skin.

Weed Whip

Names - Weed Whip, Sansurai Viriditas, Bastard Plant   Type - Carnivorous Plant   Size - Small   Preferred Terrain - Deserts, Canyons, Scrubland   Preferred Climate - Dry   Effects - Pincushion
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