Eofwin Dynasty Aldwood

The Prince in Green

The etymology of Aldwood is simple, being “Old Tree.” Their traditional titles include the Hawk Lord, the Prince of the Ancient Forests, the Prince in Holly, the Green Prince, and the Prince in Green. A great deal of lore centers on this family and their adventures. Their morganatic name, when they use it, is Glaeston.
The seated lord is the Lord Chief Warden of the East Marches, the Lord Chief Warden of the Forests, the Captain of Arvienne Castle, and the Lord Chief Justiciar of Eofwin. They are Palatine Royalty, and they pay their allegiance to the high-king of Arlium. The head of the house is the Palatine Archduke of Eofwin, the Count of Eofwin, and the Baron of Moranwynn. The Aldwoods possess townhouses in Imraldun, Mydia, and Gwyfned City; Four major hunting lodges in the Eofwin; and minor townhouses in Lovale and Wiksalen. The family badge displays the Green Man from antiquity, their color is Vert, and their motto is “The Trees Remember.”   This ancient family has no historical parent house, but claims mythological ancestry from Caer Mac Caine, King of Summer, one of the great lords of Faerie. More recently, they have intermarried with swan mays and Flower Maidens. The Aldwoods have a reputation for being the Keepers of Secrets and being ineffable. They are avid patrons of stained-glass work, which helps support the Eofwin economy as a major export.   The Aldwoods landed cadet houses include Herman of Gnold, Devery of Cairnmuir, and Morton of South Eofwin. Their unlanded cadet houses are Barton, Poltonne, Everance, and Warthon.    


  • Celerity
  • Devil-May-Care
  • Discriminating Listener
  • Bond—Feudal Domain (Eofwin)
  • Bond—Nature (Forest)
  • Elusive Target
  • Faerie Sight
  • Heroic Ancestor—Caer Mac Caine
  • Patronage—Stained Glass Industry
  • One-Step-Ahead
  • Roots—Faerie
  • Roots—Flower Maiden
  • Roots—Swan May


  • Emotionally Distant
  • Gaunt
  • Impatient
  • Obsession—Archery
  • Secretive

    Skill Pool

  • Archery
  • Falconry
  • Forest Management
  • Horticulture
  • Hunting
  • Magik

    • Assorted Arrow and Archery spells
    • Assorted Erotic and Love spells
    • Old-Growth Forest Whispering
    • Magik based around Swans, Flowers, and Horticulture.


    • Aldwood’s Goblet
    • Bearing Sword of Luminosity
    • Brendan II’s Hunting Horn
    • Green Man’s Key Stone (Pierced Stone)
    • Luann’s Diadem


    • Aldwood I in the 910’s—961
    • Brendan I 961—966, m. Cerise (Flower Maiden)
    • Handle I 966—983
    • Devery I 983—992
    • Fenton I 992—1030, m. Louise (Swanmay)
    • Brendan II 1030—1052
    • Brendan III 1052—1069
    • Luann I 1069—1090
    • Fenton II 1090—1132
    • Handle II 1132—1148
    • Brendan IV 1148—1180
    • Devery II 1180—1189
    • Margeret I 1189—1220
    • Brendan V 1220-Current

    The Immediate Family

  • Brendan—Palatine Duke Eofwin b. 1190, r. 1220-present
  • Consort—Angelique of Conroy, m. 1211
  • Heir—Handle, Count of Eofwin b. 1212
  • Heir’s Son—Devery, Baron of Moranwynn b. 1230
  • Younger Sons—Tolford (1241), Brian (1243), Stephan (1245)
  • Daughters—Genise (1232), Alicia (1236), Samantha (1238)
  • Official Mistress—Mellisandre from 1214
  • Son—Evan Fitzprince b. 1215
  • Daughter—Marisalle Fitzprince b. 1219


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