Eofwin Flashpoints

History in the Making!

  • The Wiltanism Heresy, centered on the Eofwin Forest, threatens the stability of Arlium. To date, the Church has treated Wiltanian priests and parishioners like wayward children needing further education. While this movement concerns the Church, there is as yet no agreement that this rises to heresy level. The situation is unstable, however, and one crime or misunderstanding could call down a Church crusade, followed by the inquisition.
  • The royal forests regime is much feared and despised throughout the empire, and many see enforestation as an attempted royal takeover. A proposed Eofwin Forest to North Forest Corridor, connecting the two royal hunting grounds, effectively would enforest southern Eofwin. That would bring all Eofwin within the Royal Forestry Regime’s purview and make Eofwin’s nobles subservient within their own borders.


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