Eofwin History

House Aldwood

  • Palatine Archduke of Eofwin, 910-Current, Cadet of House Leofwine
  • Brendan V 1220-Current
  • Margeret I 1189—1220
  • Devery II 1180—1189
  • Brendan IV 1148—1180
  • Handle II 1132—1148
  • Fenton II 1090—1132
  • Luann I 1069—1090
  • Brendan III 1052—1069
  • Brendan II 1030—1052
  • Fenton I 992—1030, m. Louise (Swanmay)
  • Devery I 983—992
  • Handle I 966—983
  • Brendan I 961—966, m. Cerise (Flower Maiden)
  • Aldwood I in the 910—961

    House Leofwine

  • Palatine Archduke of Eofwin, 751-910, Cadet of House Braonine
  • 882-910 Leofwine IV
  • 859-882 Leofwine III
  • 831-859 Mistel II
  • 800-831 Leofwine II
  • 779-800 Mistel I
  • 751-779 Leofwine I
  • House Braonine

    Petty King of Eofwin, 581-751, Cadet of House Blaestrum
  • 749-751 Braonine III
  • 722-749 Caerlonne III
  • 703-722 Ilvainne III
  • 685-703 Braonine II
  • 659-685 Caerlonne II
  • 640-659 Ilvainne II
  • 621-640 Caerlonne I
  • 611-621 Ilvainne I
  • 581-611 Braonine I

    House Blaestrum

    Petty King of Eofwin, 410-581, Cadet of Houe McKaine
  • 567-581 Shannon II
  • 550-567 Blaestrum III
  • 525-550 Appelon III
  • 503-525 Appelon II
  • 488-503 Blaestrum II
  • 451-488 Appelon I
  • 427-451 Shannon I
  • 410-427 Blaestrum I

    House McKaine

  • Golden King of the Summer Court, ?, ?
  • Unknown heirs and dates
  • Caer McKaine I


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