Eofwin Military

Force Projection

Eofwin troops often are identifiable by their swan badges. They posses a standard military training regime, as well as the Eofwin Archery martial art, which focuses on accuracy and force. Eofwin troops are known for the longbows, but also for reverse falchions, rondel daggers, hunting swords, and throwing axes. The Eofwin military is not known for pitched battles, instead specialized for skirmishing, sniping, and scouting.


In terms of arms and armor, Eofwin fighters wear padded gambesons, or dispense with armor in favor of stealth and mobility. Some carry bucklers, but most don’t. When Eofwin troops wear helmets, they are usually spangenhelms, some made of boiled leather and reinforced with iron frameworks, and some made of iron throughout. High status Eofwin soldiers wear maille byrnies with leather backing and padding. Sometimes these vests are reinforced with lamellar, and perhaps overlaid with satin, silk, or brocaded wool. This armor is effective, fashionable, lightweight, and doesn’t hinder mobility, fatigue levels, or heat management. When Eofwin soldiers use shields, they are bucklers, and for helmets they don spangenhelms or open-faced salets.  

Command Structure

The Eofwin’s military machine has served admirably in homeland defense and as a support for the greater army of Arlium. They have the standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions. Their morale is rated good.  


Eofwin can field an army of 10,000 to 13,000 troops, and its infantry is 20% light fauchard, and 20% light partisan; its cavalry is 5% heavy horse lancers (nobles and their entourages 15% mounted skirmishers; and 40% light longbowmen. As a landlocked country, they have no navy.


Eofwin can certainly wage short-term siege warfare, but it is not a national specialty. They posses +5% pioneers, +5% siege engineers, and +10% scouts. They are not in the habit of reinforcing their native military with hired mercenaries. The Eofwin’s native knightly orders are Exemplar Knights (8 total), and Golden Leaf Knights (100 total).  


For mounted troops, the Eofwin military imports a variety of standard warhorses from other countries. They seem to prefer Baelric palfreys.  

Eofwin Yeoman.png



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