Eofwin Places of Interest

Moonstone Dolmens

Located in Cairnmuir, Eofwin, this is a field of megalithic stones. Legend holds that these are Kui-kur ruins with all the attendant affect associated with them. In modern times, folklore claims this is a meeting place for a council of gruagach.  

Well of Souls

In South Eofwin, Eofwin, there is a stone circle that surrounds a large passage tomb. The rock that once blocked the tomb’s entrance has been pulled down and shattered. The passage’s seeming length is far out of proportion to what must be its actual distance. In this structure’s central chamber is a pool. No one who enters the pool ever returns, but if the waters are drunk onsite, the drinker will be healed of his current wounds and diseases. He will also have powerful shamanic visions, and will see generations of Neolithic shamans circling the chamber. The acoustics in the chamber are magnified and spiritually resonant.


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