Noelred Dynasty Trevor

the Lord in Gray, the Pallid Duke

The head of House Trevor inherits the sobriquet of the Lord in Gray, the Pallid Duke, and the Silver-Tongued Peer. Whenever a Trevor feels the need for a civilian morganatic name, they use McTreyer. The head of House Trevor holds the offices of Chief Constable of Noelred, Chief Warden of Osling Street, and Chief Warden of Lake Valags. The references to Lord in Gray and the Pallid Duke date from the time they married in with a Verdanne bride—this union’s resulting complexion was quite pale.   The seated Trevor is the Duke of Valags, and Baron of Valags, plus he owns townhouses in Imraldun and Mydia; and hunting lodges in Eofwin and Ultimo. The duke’s liege lord is the High-King of Arlium, but their relationship is more nuanced than that. The Trevors are an old family, tracing their lineage back through the house of Wald, to Thurstan, all the way to Torenth. The Trevors are envious of the Kolthens, and feel cheated by a history that placed the Kolthens on top and the Trevors in a position of subservience. House Trevor quietly hopes for the day they can either win independence from greater Noelred, or perhaps supplant the Kolthens and claim greater Noelred for itself. This is not so far-fetched, for the current duke arranged to have his daughter become king Eldorn Kolthen’s wife and queen.   As badges go, the Trevors employ a quill and an inkwell, or sometimes grapes and a cask. Their house color is argent, and their motto is “Remember Valags!”   House Trevor’s rich lineage includes Kendorias the Vintner King from mythology, as well as some Verdanne blood (Isabeau of Keboldi) and air elemental blood (by Aerella the Sylph). Besides their belief that the Trevor claim to kingship is superior to the Kolthan’s, the duke’s family is also known for being highly ambitious and outlandishly wealthy. The Trevor’s landed cadet branches include Ferris of Ogton Vale, Reginald of Routhe, Glennith of Kelandora, and the Reymonds of Thimes. Their unlanded cadet houses include Eldmore, Gilleaume, Jolette, and Starsdon.   The Trevors are patrons of the Badger Knights, and order specific to them. The family also is famed justifiably for winemaking, as well as heavily investing in the local winemakers and the vintners’ guild and owning many excellent vineyards themselves. They also are lauded for developing many innovative formal garden designs for their wonderful palaces and plaisances. Perhaps even more importantly, house Trevor has made Valags an inviting refuge for poets and literary artists of all sorts. Many of the Trevors themselves are celebrated poets.  


  • Absolution—Sword of James II
  • Circlet of Foreshadowing
  • Goblet of Serendipity
  • Mantle of Stars
  • Sceptre of Kendorius


  • Elemental air spells (affinity for)
  • Gardening spells they had created
  • Inspiration spells they created


  • Ancestry—Sylph
  • Ancestry—Verdanne
  • Authority Figure
  • Discriminating Listener
  • Discriminating Taste
  • Foreshadowing
  • Green Thumb
  • Heroic Ancestor—Kelthan
  • Heroic Ancestor—Kendorious
  • Heroic Ancestor—Thurston
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Patronage—Badger Knights
  • Patronage—Poets & Writers
  • Patronage—Winemaking Industry
  • Poet’s Soul
  • Regal Presence
  • Social Privilege
  • Old Soul


  • Black Sense of Humor
  • Facial Tics
  • Jealous
  • Obsession—Rare Books
  • Very Ambitious

    Skill Pool

  • Formal Gardening
  • Poetry
  • Winemaking


    • Trevor I 962-994
    • Gilbert I 994-1010
    • James I 1010-1023
    • Odo I 1023-1044
    • Henri I 1044-1059
    • Walter I 1059-1078
    • Walter II 1078-1100
    • Geoffrey I 1100-1118 (m. Isabaeu of Keboldi (Verdanne))
    • Edwin I 1118-1143
    • Kevin I 1143-1163
    • Walther I 1163-1180 (m. Aerella the Sylph)
    • James II 1180-1197
    • Henry I 1197
    • Kevin II 1215-present

    Immediate Family

  • Kevin II Trevor, Duke of Valags b. 1194, r. 1215-present
  • Consort—Alais m. 1218
  • Heir—Kevin the Younger b. 1219
  • Younger Sons—Derik b. 1221, Spencer b. 1223
  • Daughter—Eloise Kolthen ne’ Trevor b. 1225, m. 1242 Eldorn Kolthen High King Arlium/King of Noelred
  • Granddaughter—Evalyn Kolthen was born in 1244.
  • Grandson—Eldred II Kolthen was born in 1246.
  • Younger Brother (1)—Walther b. 1197
  • Younger Brother (2)—Henry b. 1210
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