Noelred Fables & Folklore

Noelred culture is known for its love of horses, literature, and chivalry

Recurring Theme, Lore, or Symbolism

  • Noelred natives also are exceedingly proud of their mythic hero and saint, King Kelthan Suncloak.
  • Local Creatures

    Noelred was once replete with monsters, but centuries of huntsmen and homesteaders have thinned them out and cleared away much of their forest habitats.
  • BeRuk—Small numbers of these beasts still wander the country, and they take perverse joy in taunting knights and huntsmen.
  • Others—Not as common as they are in Eofwin, Others still encroach on north and east Noelred, and natives try to fend them off with cold iron amulets in thresholds and window casings. Humans who venture into the woods habitually leave offerings of milk and honey for the Others.
  • Historical Figures

  • Eldred Kolthen—As historical figures go, none looms as large as the onetime, retired king, Eldred I, father of the reigning King Eldorn. Outrageous, often fictional songs are written about Eldred’s outrageous exploits, and his popularity only is marred marginally by his propensity for bouts of madness.
  • Cerdic—Famed as the saint of literature and libraries, Cerdic is more widely known as a brilliant author. He lived in the 10th century, and he wrote prolifically about religious dogma and local history. His most famous work is the King Kelthan’s Victory, and the Legacy of Eldoran, both being updated and expanded upon.
  • Heroes & Monsters of Myth and Folklore

  • King Kelthan Suncloak, aka Saint Kelthan, and his cast of characters feature strongly in Noelred.
  • These include Kendroth, Aragent, Greygath, and Valdor, as well as the Seven Paladins.
  • Other tales cover Dreadwing, the Dragon Sorcerer, a wyrm and a wizard who dominated the North for a hundred years; and Iron Heart, the dragoness who defended Noelred in the days of Creosis and Thexelis.
  • Eldoran Long Arm was a mythological, progenitor king. He was Kelthan and Aragent’s son, as well as one of Kelthan’s Paladins, and a miracle worker and shapeshifter in his own right.
  • Bramblehutch—The Marauding War Rabbit began his career in fables and morality tales In Noelred. This armed and vicious rabbit features in many fables. His stories probably are drawn from pagan times.
  • Historical Sites

  • Ladies of the Lakes still call Noelred's larger lakes home. These are no fables, though, for one of the Ladies serves as the High King's advisor in all things magik.
  • Kelthan’s Hold, in Mharkor is a hill fort believed to have been Cor-Carronn, Kelthan’s gleaming capital.
  • Kelthan’s Cairn in Valodic is the legendary tomb of King Kelthan, and reportedly guarded by the ghost of Aragent the Dragon Maid.
  • Aragen’s Hills, found in Staevin, is the home lair of Aragent.
  • Kendore the Lost, now submerged beneath the waters of Lake Valags, is thought to be the home estates of King Kelthan, and later Eldoran, and the family vineyards that produced the legendary Kendorian Wine (see entry).- Basilica of Imraldun—This is a popular pilgrimage destination. Refer to the Great Pilgrimages of Aorlis.
  • Magic on the Landscape

  • Faerie Rings—These occur where enormous trees have uprooted, and mushrooms grow around its old perimeter. They are treacherous, because they can serve as gates for marauding Others, or they can sometimes even make people who wanter into them disappear forever. These rings are peppered throughout the entire country.
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