Noelred Geography


It is composed of rugged hill ranges, rocky plains, moors, and forests.  


It is an average of 1000’ to 2000’ feet above sea level, although this varies, with some 3000’ hills, and a few sea-level valleys.  




Regular precipitation, with about 50% likelihood per day.  


bog myrtle, bracken, buttercup, cranberry, foxglove, gorse, heather, moss, peat, saxifrage, tawny grass and wild violet


Evergreens are more prominent in the north, and deciduous trees making up the balance in the south.  
hawthorn, birch, alder, elder, pine, ash, beech, oak, sycamore, yew, dim, hazel, and poplar.


Birds—golden eagles, ptarmigans, red grouse, swans, pheasants, partridges, buzzards, crows (called blackcocks), and osprey. Gyr Falcons and peregrines are their specialty.

Wildlife—Adders, badgers, boars, fallow deer, foxes, hares, mountain lions, otters, red deer, roe deer, sheep, stoats, weasels, wild deer, wildcats, wolves

Domesticated —cattle, sheep, pigs and highland ponies. The Eofwin sheep are wild, aggressive, black-faced and have multiple horns.



Barley or oats, but also wheat, rye and legumes. Side crops include lavender and roses. Peat cutting is a local industry here. There are many apiaries here, and bees are valued for their honey.  


Limited freshwater fishing  




Silver, Tin, Bog Iron, Fine Clay (most common along the Arl River)  


Water is plentiful  


Except for the Old Street, secondary roads are casual affairs maintained by the locals.

Natural Resources

  • Beeswax
  • Bog Iron
  • Fine Clay (along Arl River)
  • Lavender
  • Peat
  • Roses
  • Silver
  • Tin
  • Wildlife (Beavers)
  • Specialist Goods

  • Bookbinding
  • Exquisite Ceramics (Arlford, Arlware)
  • High Fashion (Verdton)
  • Honey (Medicinal and Culinary)
  • Illuminated Manuscripts
  • Kendorian Blue Wine (Valags)
  • Noelred Whisky (Thilmes)
  • Noelredi Colossi (Mydia)
  • Noelredi Pony
  • Pigment Production for Paints (Mydia)
  • Scale And Lamellar Armor (Imraldun)
  • Valodician Wine—By County (Valags)
  • Weaving/Dying/Fulling
  • Woodland Garden Design
  • Specialists

  • Rivermen
  • Bestiary

  • Banshee
  • Barrow Wight (Arlford)
  • BeRuk
  • Changeling
  • Cromlech Knight (Aevkirk)
  • Faerie White Ladie
  • Lady of the Lakes
  • Leprechaun
  • Nhyrak Shadow Wing
  • Phouka
  • Trooping Faerie
  • Wolf-Dragon Hybrid (Laywich)
  • Wulver


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