Noelred Government

Parts of Noelred's government are for the Kingdom of Noelred, and part is for the High Kingdom of Arlium. These royal offices are not doubled or mirrored at the imperial level, and the two levels of government are part of the same overall structure.   A numeral before an office indicates its overall power and precedence in the governmental structure.
These are only the top level positions, and long lists of subbordinate officals are not listed.   Those people listed below without title typically are wealthy knights or barons, prominent attorneys, or wealthy clerics (minor orders, priests, or bishops)   This particular layout is circa 1230, not 1245.

Dynastic Family

  • King of Noelred—Eldorn Kolthen High King of Arlium
  • King’s Squire—Armond Lanceman
  • King’s Squire—Lothar McSwain
  • King’s Squire—Anton Devery
  • Queen of Noelred—Eloise Kolthen ne’ Trevor
  • Queen’s Lady—Edith Kenwith
  • Queen’s Lady—Eva Herman
  • Crown Prince—Eldred Kolthen
  • King's Eldest Brother—Eldric Kolthen Duke of Mharkor
  • King's 2nd Brother—Gallahan Kolthen

    Great Officers of State

  • Steward (1st in seniority, estate)—Eldric Kolthen Duke of Mharkor
  • Chief Butler—Tavis Melvin, Duke of Lyndross
  • Chief Pantler—Barry McPennew Duke of Galt
  • Keeper Wardrobe—Bedwyr MonGiven
  • Privy Council (Small Council)
  • Jean Gerbald
  • Kevin Trever
  • Dominic Gilleaume Sheriff of Lyndross
  • Commisioners
  • Peace—Ackley Ploman
  • Sewers—Rene’ Gilleaume
  • Captaincies (asst. castles)
  • Captain of Bheudcol Keep—Magnus Kenwith Duke of Rhenook
  • Captain or Horlik Castle—Russel Herman Duke of Maedwin
  • Captian of Rucke Castle—Eldric Kolthen Duke of Mharkor
  • King's Champion—Kevin Trever
  • High Chancellor (2nd in seniority)–Samuel Taggert Duke of Ardek
  • King’s Confessor—Bedell Cotrell
  • Chief Justicier—Vernard Kenwith
  • High Sheriff—Elmore Pantangle
  • Ardek—Edmont Starsden
  • Barlund—Ronald Agmore
  • Gaalt—Ackley Ploman Commissioner of Peace
  • Kallund—Ross McBentt
  • Lyndross—Dominic Gilleaume
  • Maedwin—Markus Eldmore
  • Mharkor—Aldridge Flint
  • Rhenook—Lionell Brookston
  • Soldi—Albert Kenwith
  • Staevin—Lindelle McStellit
  • Valodic—Vincent Holmedon
  • High Treasurer (3rd in seniority)—Magnus Kenwith Duke of Rhenook
  • Justicier of the Exchequer—Elias Starsdon
  • Keeper of the Mint—Emoral Flint
  • High Chamberlain (4th in seniority)—Uwain Troyus Duke of Soldi
  • Keeper of the Wardrobe—Alder Dominic
  • Court Sorcerer—Owen Colberte
  • Court Alchemist—Dominic Fenster The Tall
  • Court Astrologer—Brandon Baxter
  • Court Minstrel—Suzette Kenwith
  • Court Jester—Jacques Rendell
  • Master of Squires—Benoit Ricarts
  • Grand Earl Marshall (5th in seniority)—Russell Herman Duke of Maedwin
  • Earl Marshall—Mansfeld Jolette
  • Marshall of the Red Lions—Sylvester Corning
  • Marshall of the Badgers—Emmet Baxter
  • Chief Constable—Kevin Trevor Duke of Valodic
  • Kennil Keeper—Arylin Eldmore
  • Chief Huntsman—Bruce Gerbald Duke of Barlund
  • Court Falconer—Lyonell Tibard
  • Court Armorer—Ballard Signalsman
  • King of Arms of Noelred—Pelleus Montmeird
  • Captain Yeoman of the Gaurds—Bromley Herman
  • Wardenships
  • Chief Warden of the East—Reynold Jolette
  • Chief Warden of the North–Samuel Taggert Duke of Ardek
  • Chief Warden of the South Marches—Barry McPennew Duke of Galt
  • Chief Warden of the West—Kenneth Capstan
  • Chief Warden of Lake Valags—Kevin Trevor Duke of Valodic
  • Chief Warden of Osling Street—Kevin Trevor Duke of Valodic
  • Chief Warden of the Forests—Jesse McFell Duke Staevin
  • Chief Warden of Corlyn River—Eldorn Kolthen Duke Kallund
  • Ecclesiastical Offices
  • Primate of Noelred—Eldorn Kolthen Duke Kallund
  • Abbot Primate of the Renunciator Orders Mother House—Steven Eldmore
  • Dean of the Evangelion Canons (Dargrange Town Lyndros)—Alisandair Ferris
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