Noelred History

Kolthen Timeline


House Kolthen

  • High King of Arlium, 871-Present, Cadet of House Thurston
  • Eldorn III 1242—Current
  • Eldred 1215—Ab. 1242
  • Donnell 1167—1215
  • Eldorn II 1158—1167
  • Dunkeld IV 11I—1158
  • Eldorn I 1092—11I
  • Kelthan VII 1065—1092
  • Dunkeld III 1056—1065
  • Gallahan II 1002—1056 (m. Cerise, direct desendant of House Kelthan)
  • Donnell II 970—1002
  • Gallahan I 954—970
  • Kelthan VI 944—954
  • Dunkeld II 956—944
  • Donell I 955—956
  • Dunkeld I 895—955
  • Kolthen I 871—895 (m. Annisa, direct descendant of House Kelthan)

    House Thurston

  • High King of Arlium, 484-871, Son of Torenth
  • 868-871 Hugh I
  • 851-868 David I
  • 829-851 Henry I
  • 799-829 Michael I
  • 777-799 Walther I
  • 748-777 Adam I
  • 732-748 James I
  • 701-732 Edwin I
  • 689-701 Henry I
  • 665-689 Walther I
  • 643-665 Walter I
  • 624-643 Guy I
  • 600-624 Gilbert I
  • 584-600 Fulk I
  • 551-584 James I
  • 542-551 Walter I (brother of Yorrel of Caindos)
  • 528-542 Henry I
  • 505-528 David I
  • 484-505 Thurston I (Son of Torenth)


    Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484, Father of Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)
  • Torenth 440-484

    House Kelthan

  • High King of Aorlis
  • Eldoran I Long Arm, Kingh of North Caedlorian, Mythological
  • Kelthan I Sun Cloak m. Aragent the Dragon Maid, Mythologic
  • Trevor Timeline


    House Trevor

  • Duke of Valags, 962-present, Cadet of House Wald
  • Kevin II 1215-present
  • Henry I 1197
  • James II 1180-1197
  • Walther I 1163-1180 (m. Aerella the Sylph)
  • Kevin I 1143-1163
  • Edwin I 1118-1143
  • Geoffrey I 1100-1118 (m. Isabaeu of Keboldi (Verdanne))
  • Walter II 1078-1100
  • Walter I 1059-1078
  • Henri I 1044-1059
  • Odo I 1023-1044
  • James I 1010-1023
  • Gilbert I 994-1010
  • Trevor I 962-994

    House of Walders

    -Duke of Valodic, 721-962, Cadet of House Thurston
  • 935-962 Ilverte I
  • 920-935 Walders III
  • 881-920 Ordon II
  • 825-881 Ilbert II
  • 800-825 Walders II
  • 789-800 Ilbert I
  • 752-789 Ordon I
  • 721-752 Walder I (m. Amabelle, direct descendant of House Kelthan)

    House of Thurston

  • High King of Arlium, 484-721, Son of Torenth
  • 701-721 Edwin I (father of Walders)
  • 689-701 Henry I
  • 665-689 Walther I
  • 643-665 Walter I
  • 624-643 Guy I
  • 600-624 Gilbert I
  • 584-600 Fulk I
  • 551-584 James I
  • 542-551 Walter I (brother of Yorrel of Caindos)
  • 528-542 Henry I
  • 505-528 David I
  • 484-505 Thurston I (Son of Torenth)


    Emperor of Aorlis, 440-484, Father of Wollyn, Tavhros, Thurston, and Pendarr)
  • Torenth 440-484

    House Kelthan

  • High King of Aorlis
  • Eldoran I Long Arm, Kingh of North Caedlorian, Mythological
  • Kelthan I Sun Cloak m. Aragent the Dragon Maid, Mythological


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