Thalium Dynasty Mathurn

Gavlaw , Torch of Thal, Defender of the West, First Son of the Faith, Lion of Marcelle

This is one of the three premeire, royal families of Aorlis, all descended from Torenth I. Ties are close, and for example Emperor Dathan I Osrick is Durand I Mathurn’s first cousin. The head of this house is the High King of the Marcelle and the King of Thalium, and these honors bring interesting nicknames for the head of the house such as a the Gavlaw ("Law Giver"), Torch of Thal, Defender of the West, First Son of the Faith, and the Lion of Marcelle. Although every generation is different, the characteristics associated with this line are being tall, broad-shouldered, with one lightly drooping eye, hair worn long, and clear tenor voices. They are also known for holding grudges and vendettas. The Mathurn’s parent house is Bryce, by way of Gregor, a non-royal line, and their landed cadet houses are: Fullerton of Chervria, Norlam of Alech (902), Tolen of Knolder, and Essoc of Cynryer. Their unlanded cadet houses are: Baldemar (940), Claude, Hartois, Isarn, Lothar (907), Lucan (1240), Teague, Valens (954), Wolver, and Ysoria. The head of the house is patron of the Three Star Knights, and the Chalace Knights, and the family motto is “neither forgive or forget.” The family color is royal red (and within Thalium its use is limited to Mathurn family and their retainers. Mathurn mythic progenitures include Torenth I, and Gregor of Tranth. When requesting a boone of the King of Thalium, it is customary to ritually bear your neck by bowing sideways to the monarch. It has become traditional for the head of the house to appoint an official mistress in addition to his legal consort. When they use a non-royal, morganatic name, it is Taeglos.  


  • Authority Figure
  • Battle Sense
  • Detect Spirits
  • Divine right
  • Forefather’s Ghosts
  • God’s Ear
  • Grudge Bonus—Baelric, Blackvale, Kaidlorr
  • Guarded Mind
  • Hand of History
  • Heroic Ancestor—Gregor of Tranth
  • Heroic Ancestor—Tavhros
  • Heroic Ancestor—Torenth I
  • Iron Will
  • Outlandish Wealth
  • Patronage—Chalice Knights
  • Patronage—Three Star Knights
  • Regal Presence
  • Royal Healing Touch
  • Old Soul
  • Disadvantages

  • Family Trait—Broad Shoulders
  • Family Affectation—Long Hair
  • Family Deformity—Drooping Eye
  • Impatient
  • Malaise
  • Sleep Walker

    Skill Pool

  • Falconry
  • Thallic Jousting
  • Thallic Brawling
  • Heraldry
  • Leadership
  • Riding—Horsemanship


  • Mathurn 911—951
  • Edmund I 951—955
  • Edmund II 955—976
  • Robert I 976—1002
  • Leland I 1002—1026
  • Robert II 1026—1027
  • Edgar I 1027—1048
  • Edgar II 1048—1085
  • Edmund III 1085—1096
  • Edmund IV 1096—1112
  • Robert III 1112—1142
  • Robert IV 1142—1167
  • Theodoric I 1167—1207
  • Tavhros I 1207—1239
  • Durand I 1239—current


  • Ladies in Waiting—Janet, Katherine
  • Royal Squires—Aldo Isarn, Bryce Hartois, Mitchell Walthurn
  • Small Council—Welf, Balain, John, Guilluame
  • Estate Steward—Raoul
  • Chamberlain—Felix
  • Marshall—Guilluame, Deputized by Wayne Count of Alech
  • King's Champion—Jordan
  • Captain Yeoman—Gille
  • Court Astrologer—Sabina the Seductress
  • Court Alchemist—Simon
  • Court Jester—Isaac Fullerton
  • Court Falconer—Frederick
  • King's Confessor—Waleran
  • Court Herald— Amadeaus

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