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Summary of the History of Aos

A brief Summary of the entire History of Aos, from creation to now.

The Dawn

... 2000 AoM.

The Creation of the Gods. Then their subsequent creation of the planes, and Osiris' creation of life. They then populated each of their planar creations with powerful beings to watch over them. After populating the Material Plane of Aos 3 of the Gods became jealous of the others and began plotting to destroy them. Khajnak found about this plot and brought it up to Osiris and showed off his creation for the first time, the Celestial Jail. A prison strong enough to hold even the gods themselves. So, they threw the would be usurpers into the Celestial Jail, dubbing them the Banished Ones and themselves the Guides. Seeing how even Gods can get corrupted via others, Osiris began to get worried about his creation. He worried that the different continents on Aos would fight and destroy each other, so in order to combat this he put a shroud over each that blocked them from being discovered by the others. He wanted this barrier to last until the end of time, so he made it so that its magic would function as long as the Guides stayed on the plane. Thus began the Age of Myth.

  • -18000 D.

    The Formation of the Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The universe was a torrent of pure, uncontrolled, magic. It flowed like rivers through blackness and eventually coalesced into 8 pools. From these pools rose 9 great beings, the Gods. One by one they stepped forward and declared to everything their names. First came Osiris, then Cayn, then the twins that were born in the same pool Flitli and Fent. Next was Arabea, then Bealzenlock and Mellisandre. Khajnak declared himself and the other refused a name. And thus the Gods were born.

  • -18000 D.

    The Creation of The Planes
    Construction beginning/end

    The Gods began work on the planes, each creating different locations. Cayn created the Elemental plane of Earth, Flitli and Fent created the elemental planes of Air and Fire, and Arabea the plane of Water. The unnamed god created the Abyss, leading to the others calling him the Shadow Prince, Bealzenlock created the Nine Hells, and Mellisandre created Acheron. Osiris created the greatest of them all however, Aos the material plane. He showed the others how to create life and they populated their planes and created new ones together.

Age of Myth

2001 AoM. 0 AoM.

Not much is known about the Age of myth, a lot of the information has been lost to time. What is generally accepted however, is that it was a time of great peace and prosperity. The races lived in perfect harmony and the Guides walked among the beings of Aos. Each Guide usually favored one race above the others, this gave them their general appearance. There are tales of great works of art, artifacts of magic, and other legendary objects from this time. A few have been recovered, thus giving credence to the other myths. And not all people were content with eternal peace, some made great weapons as well but those too have been lost to the ages. One of the main tasks of The Guild is to track down and recover these artifacts of legend. The Banished ones spent this time creating massive armies within the celestial Jail in preparation for their release.

  • -1000 AoM.

    The Founding of Ekloria

    The founding of Ekloria and all of their ideals by the original High Judge Farrik Hitlock.

  • -200 AoM.

    -1 AoM.

    The Reclamation Wars
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Wars between the Banished Ones, the Guides, and the people of Aos.

  • 0 AoM.

    The Elderspell
    Era beginning/end

    The guild (mostly) successfully casted the Elderspell, rending both the Guides and the Banished ones apart. Since Zayl was unable to sacrifice herself small bits of the gods remained resulting in the creation of the Dungeons and the Human Race.

Age of Resurgence

1 AoR. and beyond

After the end of the Chaos wars Aos was reeling. Without the Guides to help, the world was quickly falling into disarray. The people realized they needed a leader to drag Aos out of the pit it had fallen into. People once again looked to Zayl. She did not disappoint. She was able to work with the races and over the course of about one hundred years was able to salvage the pieces. Aos was once again in a good standing. Each race lived in a tentative peace. They each held lands, and had their own cities. Zayl resided in the mega city in the center of Aos called 'The seat of the world'. From there she monitored Aos and kept the peace between all the races.   Khajnak wasn't idle either however. Throughout the rebuilding he ingratiated himself within Zayls company, eventually becoming her right hand. And at the peak of her rule, where everything was finally settling down, he killed her. He quickly spread rumors to the races that it was one of the other races that carried out the deed. At the peek of her rule however, she was assassinated. No one knew who it was and all the races began blaming each other. Seemingly overnight the races fractured, going to war with each other and themselves. They charged their armies onto the seat of the world, attempting to gain control and rule Aos. Through their efforts they destroyed the great city, and nearly plunged Aos into another age of darkness. The leaders of each of the new civilizations got together and came to an agreement. They would each retreat into their own lands, and remove their forces from the ruins of the great city. They casted a spell around the Seat of the world to hide it from view, basically a massive black spot in the center of the world where no one could go anymore. The races left and began to build their towns into true kingdoms, though none have come close to the size of the seat of the world. Aos is back to a relative peace, each kingdom has slowly began opening themselves to the others, allowing trade and travel between the different cities.   The races fractured however, creating offshoots of themselves. The kingdoms are • The Phoenix kingdom (Man) • The Lion Kingdom (Man) • The Undermine (Dwarves) • Valhalla (Dwarves) • The Silverwood (Wood elves) • Syeg'Thran (High Elves) • The Rovers (dark Elves) There are other small settlements throughout Aos but, these are the main ones.

  • 1540 AoR.

    The Gathering of the Clans

    The gathering of the clans of Emenon under Garrith Stonebreath resulting in the formation of Unition.

  • 1642 AoR.

    1643 AoR.

    The Rising Guide Calamity
    Disaster / Destruction

    Khajnak finally revealed himself and planned to destroy the world, but was stopped by a group of adventurers know as the Reckoners.

  • 1643 AoR.

    Shroud Fall
    Discovery, Exploration

    With Khajnak gone Osiris's shroud falls, revealing the entire world for the first time.

  • 1663 AoR.

    The Founding of Rekonaar

    With the world suddenly much larger the people of The Lion Kingdom thought it imperitive that everyone on their continent, now dubbed Rekonaar after the heroes that defeated Khajnak, joined forces. A few of the other kingdoms agreed, namely Valhalla, the Rovers, and the Phoenix kingdom. The elves however did not. But since Syeg' Thran was still reeling from Amnon's attack and the Silverwood was in the midst of a full rebellion it was short work to take them by force.