Eridanis Ūdris Character in Aotra | World Anvil
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Eridanis Ūdris (air-i-DON-iss YOU-driss)

Hundreds of years into his career in the heart of a national government dominated by much shorter-lived humans, Lord Eridanis Ūdris ce'Cethandir was a monolith of Vayan politics for more than 400 years. He had a long career as the consul of the Department of Weapons, a career that began to crumble in 717 when it was revealed that under Ūdris' watch, the Department of Weapons had engaged in horrific human rights abuses, particularly in the development of the supersoldier initiative Project Vanguard. When Novia Celsa ascended as Magelord in late Nightwinter 717, she moved quickly to remove Ūdris from the Council. On the 43rd of Nightwinter, 717, Eridanis Ūdris was found dead, cause still unknown.

Political Career

The Ūdris family was wealthy and well-connected in the Federation long before Ūdris' birth in 172 YC; indeed, the family's influence stretches back beyond the existence of the Federation itself, into the days of Cethandir as a nation in its own right. Ūdris was well-positioned to enter politics; after graduating with highest honors from the Federal Institute of Arcane Technology, he spent time working as a diplomat to Kassaan. In 302, at the age of 130, he was chosen to become a Tetrarch, one member of a council of four rulers of Cethandir. As a junior Tetrarch, he worked under the watchful eye of the popular senior Tetrarch Exandra Casca. Upon the senior Tetrarch's retirement in 328, Ūdris succeeded her, becoming a senior Tetrarch at 156 years old. Ūdris remained a Tetrarch for forty years, the maximum term a Tetrarch can serve under Cethandiran law, and he retired in 368; his position passed to his long-time junior, Amadeus Nethrani.   After his retirement, he returned to academia and spent the next century and a half writing an extensive dissertation on the relationship between arcolith, mythril, and the Myth.   Eridanis Ūdris abruptly re-entered the political landscape in 523 at the age of 461, when he, as a preeminent expert in arcane technology, was asked by the newly-appointed Magelord Pollux Adionati ce'Vay to step up to the role of Consul and Head of the Department of Weapons. Ūdris accepted the position and held it for almost two hundred years. Until his downfall in 717, he was well-regarded among the other Consuls. The nature of his work within the Department of Weapons was, almost unilaterally, top secret until it was revealed to the public by Madam Celsa's administration in late 717.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
10th of Dawning, 172
Date of Death
43rd of Nightwinter, 717
172 YC 717 YC 545 years old


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