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Magelord of Vay

The Federation of Vay rests largely in the hands of a single ruler: the Magelord of Vay. As a political and cultural leader of one of Aotra's most powerful nations, many believe the Vayan Magelord to wield more influence than nearly any other individual on the planet.
  The current Magelord of Vay is Madam Novia Celsa.


The most fundamental qualification to be attained before acquiring the title is arcane power. A Magelord must be an arcanist of some variety; while the majority have been wizards, there have been several sorcerers that have claimed the title, as well as at least one warlock. Theoretically, an exceptional artificer may be entitled to ascend to the position of Magelord, despite lacking the raw power of a wizard or a sorcerer; however, that possibility is entirely speculative, as it has never come up in Vayan history. Traditionally, many believe that a Magelord must possess the ability of casting wish, the mightiest spell, but that is not a legal requirement.


The title of Magelord of Vay is passed down from individual to individual through a non-hereditary process of succession. At some point-- usually sooner, rather than later-- after being granted the title, a Magelord must begin to watch for a promising successor. When the Magelord feels confident in their choice, they notarize their intent of succession, but once notarized, this can be changed with relative ease; often a Magelord will regularly re-evaluate who they would want as their successor.   When a Magelord dies or is deposed, the Grand Court verifies and executes the succession process. While the Court does wield the power to deny a Magelord's preference of successor and appoint one themselves, this has not happened in Vayan history. The ceremony of titling, in which the title of Magelord of Vay is bestowed upon the chosen successor, is also performed by the Court.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Sir, Madam, or Lire
Source of Authority
The Grand Court
Length of Term
Indefinite; until death or deposition by the Grand Court
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