Addiction Condition in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Written by Pookas Kreations

Is a physical and/or mental condition that refers to the dependence on various types of substances. It can refer to drugs, eating, gambling, or even working. Addiction is a compulsive condition that is a usually treatable chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and life experiences. Those with addiction use substances or engage in compulsive behaviors that harm themselves and others.   The activity that leads to addiction often starts voluntarily, but not always as in the case of GSD Addiction which was forced on the Atlantean slaves. Addiction can take over and cause one to lose self-control. It causes harmful physical, psychological, or social effects.

Transmission & Vectors

This condition can't be transmittable, although sometimes descendants can become more susceptible to addiction.


  • a lack of self-control
  • unable to stay away from the substance or behavior
  • increased desire for it
  • ignore how it causes problems
  • odd emotional responses


Some symptoms upon withdrawal are:
  • anxiety
  • irritability
  • tremors
  • nausea


There are various ways of treatment, but it all depends on the type of addiction. Sometimes, other drugs can help, meditation, hypnosis, gene therapy, and various others.


This disease can cause people to hurt their loved ones, steal to pay for their addiction, and sometimes even kill for it.

Affected Groups

Any species can become addicted to some substances, although some only affect specific people.

Hosts & Carriers

Some species can only be carriers.

Cultural Reception

Many societies look down on various types of addiction, but some such as for work are deemed acceptable.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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