Chronoscope: Time Viewer
Urtho created a time machine, only instead of the operator traveling through time he is only able to see it. He was able to skim through events and watch them as it happened.
- Immersion Pod that is filled with video screens and a sound system.
- Temporal Interface lets you select the dates and locations.
- Reality Engine is the AI database that has a record of historical data, it can reconstruct past events.
- Sensory Feedback includes scent, temperature, and vibrations.
- Observation Only, this is a viewing experience, you can't physically interact with anything in the past
- Accuracy, these reconstructions are based on historical data and are only as accurate as the recordings.
Item type
Current Location
Related Technologies
This is a prototype and is still in the testing phase.
Raw materials & Components
Liquid crystal screens, crystal processors and databases, speakers, cushioned chair, and sensors.
Advanced engineering toolkit.
Related Myths
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