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Mega Anklyosaurus

Written by Pookas Kreations

This Dinoterran, Saurian is a very large version of a normal Ankylosaurus. This subspecies is very long-lived and has attained human-like intelligence. They are excellent strategists and problem-solvers, have nearly impenetrable armor, and have impressive natural weapons.   Their armor is so tough that they have no natural predators as adults. This allows them to live longer than their progenitors.    In an isolated valley, a unique ecosystem developed. A specific type of Cycad tree, with tough, fibrous leaves, thrived here. Most other herbivores couldn't eat them, but Ankylosaurus learned to adapt to eating this new tree when some of their favorites were available. Through generations of natural selection, they developed a stronger bite force and a stronger digestive system capable of processing the tough material.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are vegetarians and will eat anything that they can digest, preferring succulents.


They are calm, stubborn and slow to anger.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The males are loners except during mating season, while the mothers are very nurturing, staying with their offspring for years. The females often stay in family groups, even in small herds of both female and young.

Facial characteristics

They have a small head, with a broad and thick skull, a serrated beaked mouth, ear horns, and an armored triangular strip on the top of its head.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The are home to Dinoterra

Average Intelligence

Human intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision 60 ft, tremorsense

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

First: gron, shira, brutus, flint, willow, terra, xh'vex, mahto, a'ani Last: cragstone, timberfall, dustcloud, stoneshield, sharptooth, longshadow, stonesmasher, sunwise, Clearwater, thickskull, swiftfoot, keeneye, behemothblood, titanhorn, mossback, cloudgazer, tailchatter Descriptive: boulderback, razorbeak, stoic, brawler, cragtooth, forestbreaker

Major Organizations

The Longwalkers are the Council of Elders of these Ankylosaurs.

Average Technological Level

They are smart, but they have no hands to operate technology. A rare few have gained Telekinesis and can operate technology with their minds.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dinoterran, Teran, Sauran, common.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Ankylosaur Maximus
Ankylosaurus magniventris
200 years
Average Height
18 ft
Average Weight
20 tons
Average Length
35 ft
Average Physique
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
This varies depending on the environment that they live in. 
  • forest: mottled patterns of browns, greens, and greys
  • desert or rocky: brown, tan, and grey
  • disruptive: lighter and darker patches
  • thermoregulation: darker back, lighter underside
  • warning coloration: bright colors for warning
  • sexual dimorphism: contrasting patterns to attract mates, or protect their offspring.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

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