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Written by Pookas Kreations

In many societies, the tanner is considered one of the most unclean professions. Their work involves processing animal hides into leather, a process that is both essential and disgusting.   It is a multistep ordeal. There are multiple ways to process the hides, the most common is to soak them in lime pits to remove the hair and flesh, then transfer them to one filled with urine to loosen the hair roots. They were then cured, often cured with substances like oak bark or alum, resulting in a pungent odor.   Tanners were often placed on the outskirts or outside towns or cities because of the stench. Those who worked here were usually deemed so unclean that it was associated with disease and a social stigma. This craft was also invaluable for the leather they created.



  • physical strength: the work involves heavy lifting and manual labor.
  • endurance: it is time-consuming and often takes place in unpleasant conditions.
  • knowledge of chemicals: understanding the properties of different tanning agents was crucial.
  • patience and attention to detail: requires careful observation and precise handling of hides.
  • resistance to odors: produces strong, unpleasant smells.

Career Progression

  • apprentice
  • journeyman
  • master

Payment & Reimbursement

1 sp/day, or bartering for the equivalent in goods.



Leather is used for many purposes.

Social Status

Low, they were looked down on and stigmatized.


Less than 5%.


It began as a hide-by-hide proposition, which eventually became a bulk job.



Large pits or tubs, wooden paddles, poles, fleshing knife, beam knife, etc.


Lime, urine, oak bark, alum, water, dyes, neutral oils.


There are various names for this location including: Tannery, leatherworks, hideyard, tawyard, and currying shop.

Provided Services

The processing of various types of hides into finished leather, suede, laces, etc.

Dangers & Hazards

Acid, and chemical burns, cuts and lacerations, musculoskeletal disorders, respiratory problems, skin diseases, infectious diseases, amputations, hearing loss, smell loss, eye injuries.
Alternative Names
Tawyer, currier, hide dresser
Raw Materials Gathering
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
Related Locations
Used By
Ranks & Titles

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