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Temporal Declination Syndrome

Written by Pookas Kreations

This is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the temporal lobes of the brain. It is similar to temporal aphasia and primarily affects language processing, time perception, and memory.

Transmission & Vectors

This cannot be passed on to another.


This is an acquired condition that is caused by a temporal anomaly from a Rift in time or the aftereffects of wild magic storms.


  • progressive language deterioration: it often begins with difficulty finding the correct words. However, as the disease progresses, individuals experience a more profound breakdown of language structure. They may start to speak in fragments or create their own incomprehensible languages.
  • temporal lobe atrophy: imaging studies reveal progressive atrophy of the temporal lobes, particularly the areas associated with language, time, and memory.
  • memory loss: short-term memory is significantly affected. They may forget recent events, conversations, or people. Long-term memories often remain intact for longer periods, eventually, even they become distorted or inaccessible.
  • sensory processing issues: as the disease advances, individuals experience difficulties processing sensory information, such as visual and auditory stimuli causing disorientation and confusion.
  • emotional instability: due to the brain's altered state, patients may exhibit unpredictable mood swings, ranging from euphoria to deep depression.


Neural Reprogramming
  • identify compensatory brain areas: identify brain regions capable of taking over functions lost due to degeneration.
  • stimulate neural growth: using focused energy, and biochemical agents, the damaged areas could be stimulated to grow and develop new neural connections.
  • language and memory implants: in severe cases, neural implants or cybernetics could act as external processors, compensating for damaged brain functions.
Neurotropic Factors
  • boost brain health: administering neurotrophic factors, and proteins that support neuron growth and survival could slow down the degeneration process.
  • enhance neuroplasticity: by increasing the brain's ability to reorganize itself, neurotrophic factors could help mitigate the effects.
Additional Therapies
  • cognitive behavior therapy: helps patients cope with emotional and psychological challenges.
  • communication aids: facilitates the interaction for individuals with severe language impairment.
  • supportive care: providing a supportive environment and addressing the physical needs of patients.


Before the The Chaos Wars, there had been no cases of this disease before.

Cultural Reception

People that have gained this disease are ostracised by others even their family.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species

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